Emotion by Gary Numan Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Emotion” by Gary Numan from the album Isolate - The Numa Years (1991)? More than 94 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Emotion”.
Quote from the song “Emotion” by Gary Numan
Look up
Look down
I've seen it all before
I need emotion
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Emotion” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Emotion”
- Produced: Kipper
- Written: Gary Numan
- Release Date: September 1991
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Emotion” Released in 1991
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Emotion” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Look up
Look down
I've seen it all before
I need emotion
Look left
Look right
I've tried it all before
I need emotion
Say nothing
It's over
I sold my soul
She's tempting
Sex tension
It could be the wrong move
One question
One answer
I don't need
I don't know
The slogan
New fashion kills me
Tear it up
It don't mean a thing so
Tear it up good
Touch me
Picture this
It don't mean a thing so
Touch me
Life is cruel
How did this ever get serious?
One night
One touch
I've used them all before
I need emotion
One lie
Too much
I've heard it all before
I need emotion
I'll show you
Some people
Disgust me
Listen to
I'm in a glass house
'I've been sick'
She whispers
My picture
I only work here
I need emotion