Sunshine and Rain by Gary McSpadden Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Sunshine and Rain” by Gary McSpadden from the album Higher Purpose (1979)? More than 132 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Sunshine and Rain”.

Sunshine and Rain en Lyrics [Gary McSpadden]
Sunshine and Rain English Lyrics Album Higher Purpose

Quote from the song “Sunshine and Rain” by Gary McSpadden

I thought that You were only sunshine
But now I see You in the showers of rain
In fact, You never really promised me
A life of bliss, free of tears and pain

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Sunshine and Rain lyrics [Gary McSpadden]

Gary McSpadden: Sunshine and Rain Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Sunshine and Rain”

  • Produced: Bob MacKenzie
  • Written: Lars Brandström
  • Release Date:

Sunshine and Rain lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Sunshine and Rain lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Sunshine and Rain”:

  • Produced: Bob MacKenzie
  • rn
  • Written: Lars Brandström

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Sunshine and Rain” Released in 1979

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Sunshine and Rain” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I thought that You were only sunshine
But now I see You in the showers of rain
In fact, You never really promised me
A life of bliss, free of tears and pain

They say that You were only sunshine
But now I see You in the showers of rain
In fact, You never really promised me
A life of bliss, free of tears and pain

Lord, thanks not only for bringing me
Into the sunlight
But also for letting the rain fall down
Giving me strength
Bringing me life
(Bringing, bringing me life)

Yes, I thank You not only for bringing me
Into the sunlight
But also for letting the rain fall down
Giving me strength
And bringing me life

Who thought that life was only laughter
And reality just a game to play
What would the light be without the darkness
Or a flower without a drop of rain
They told me life was only laughter
And reality just a game to play
What would the light be without the darkness
Or a flower without a drop of rain

Lord, thanks not only for bringing me
Into the sunlight
But also for letting the rain fall down
Giving me strength
Bringing me life
(Bringing, bringing me life)

Yes, I thank You not only for bringing me
Into the sunlight
But also for letting the rain fall down
Giving me strength
Bringing me life

I thought that You were only sunshine
But now I see You in the showers of rain
In fact, You never really promised me
A life of bliss, free of tears and pain

Who thought that life was only laughter
And reality just a game to play
(Just a game, just a game, oh...)
What would the light be without the darkness
Or a flower without a drop of rain
They say that You were only sunshine
But now I see You in the showers of rain
In fact, You never, never promised me
(You were only sunshine)
A life of bliss, free of tears and pain...