Triforce Collab by Game Grumps Lyrics

Looking for the Danish lyrics to “Triforce Collab” by Game Grumps (2013)? More than 153 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Triforce Collab”.

Triforce Collab da Lyrics [Game Grumps]
Triforce Collab Danish Lyrics

Quote from the song “Triforce Collab” by Game Grumps

Baboom! Whoa
Wuh Ho Ho Ho HO (Bernard)
He is the biscuit
Squish squish squish (Banana shoes)
Heh heh he...Gee gee gee gee gee gee gee
Gulp GULP*
Dang it! DANG IT! (brrrr)
Somebody to Loooooove (RUP bup bup bup bup bup BUP)
Dont' bite me Jaws! Don't bite me Jaws!
Silver came, and now we're fighting Silver
This tank is a muthegofuthego (HEh HEh HEh HEeeeh)
Hey I'm Grump! I'm not so Grump!

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Triforce Collab lyrics [Game Grumps]

Game Grumps: Triforce Collab Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Triforce Collab”

Game Grumps - “Triforce Collab” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Game Grumps will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Triforce Collab?
  • Where is Triforce Collab music video clip?
  • Who was in the Triforce Collab official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Triforce Collab?
  • What is the meaning of the song Triforce Collab?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Triforce Collab”

  • Featuring: Ross O’Donovan, JonTron, Arin Hanson, Dan Avidan
  • Produced: Liltommyj, JerryTerry, Atpunk
  • Written: Game Grumps
  • Release Date: September 23, 2013

Triforce Collab lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Triforce Collab lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Triforce Collab” Released in 2013

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Triforce Collab” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Baboom! Whoa
Wuh Ho Ho Ho HO (Bernard)
He is the biscuit
Squish squish squish (Banana shoes)
Heh heh he...Gee gee gee gee gee gee gee
Gulp GULP*
Dang it! DANG IT! (brrrr)
Somebody to Loooooove (RUP bup bup bup bup bup BUP)
Dont' bite me Jaws! Don't bite me Jaws!
Silver came, and now we're fighting Silver
This tank is a muthegofuthego (HEh HEh HEh HEeeeh)
Hey I'm Grump! I'm not so Grump!


Ask uh...AT Punk
Ask uh...Little Tommy Jaaay

Sophia Loreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
I go to my space ship
I was a bit nervous and I had butterflies in my stomach
We Won
Game Grumps VERSuuuuuUUUUUS!


(oh it's beautiful)
(It's times like these when I realize, moments are few)



Squish Squish Squish
Banana Shoes
HеhHeh uhHeh heh Huuh (BOP)
Silvеr came, and now we're fighting Silver
I had an idea (Bop)
Lets play more Sonic '06 (Dang it...Dang IT)
Don't you know what I'm talk-talkin' about Arin (bop)
Silver came (bop) Silver came (Heh) Silver came (Bop)
Its (bop) No (Bop, ARin)
It's no use
IT's no use use, uh uh, use use
Noooo uuuuUh eeeeeeh, Find me
Imma baby bird (why)
Like to Grump women (oooo)
Biscuit (why) Way for my fly (how I feel)
Back in Mississippi, Sister Pippi (LAMBLIANO)
Noooo uuuuUh eeeeeeh, Find me
Imma baby bird (why)
Like to Grump women (oooo)
Biscuit (why) Way for my fly (how I feel)
Back in Mississippi, Sister Pippi
Somebody to Love

(OOOOO) Moneh, Goof Troop
I smell Bernard (RUNNER)
This tank is a GuessacoomaNehmA
Nobody knows how I feel (ooooo)
Biscuit(OOOO) Moneh, Goof Troop
I smell Bernard (RUNNER)
This tank is a GuessacoomaNehmA
Nobody knows how I feel (ooooo)


'Round Here, everyone is happy but me
Imma tell you a tale about a bird and egg
Don't want you to die