Everything Under the Stars by Fun Lovin' Criminals Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Everything Under the Stars” by Fun Lovin' Criminals from the album Titan A.E. Original Soundtrack (2000)? More than 93 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Everything Under the Stars”.

Everything Under the Stars en Lyrics [Fun Lovin\' Criminals]
Everything Under the Stars English Lyrics Album Titan A.E. Original Soundtrack

Quote from the song “Everything Under the Stars” by Fun Lovin' Criminals

It was regular stuff like Perry and Thrust
Ain't out of the blue like we usually do
So me and Angelo came around about seven
With stars in our eyes from the press we were getting
Suspect from headache, you know a great deal
Your apathy fake but your parts are real
More than a little by the time it went down
I had crossed your path but you didn't know how
A record claimed star by the end of the week
Set flames to the heat that's all out in the street
The problems and pain runs hand in hand
When the mother of commerce ends up working for the band


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Everything Under the Stars lyrics [Fun Lovin' Criminals]

Fun Lovin' Criminals: Everything Under the Stars Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Everything Under the Stars”

  • Produced: Fun Lovin’ Criminals
  • Written: Fun Lovin’ Criminals
  • Release Date:

Everything Under the Stars lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Everything Under the Stars lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Everything Under the Stars”:

  • Produced: Fun Lovin’ Criminals
  • rn
  • Written: Fun Lovin’ Criminals

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Everything Under the Stars” Released in 2000

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Everything Under the Stars” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

It was regular stuff like Perry and Thrust
Ain't out of the blue like we usually do
So me and Angelo came around about seven
With stars in our eyes from the press we were getting
Suspect from headache, you know a great deal
Your apathy fake but your parts are real
More than a little by the time it went down
I had crossed your path but you didn't know how
A record claimed star by the end of the week
Set flames to the heat that's all out in the street
The problems and pain runs hand in hand
When the mother of commerce ends up working for the band

The streets is watching
So keep on talking
Your time is ticking down, down, down
The streets is watching
So keep on talking
Your time is ticking down, down, down

Let's catch fishes
Bombs make misses
You get served like dishes
Like the soft machine kisses your ass
It's not one iota or a comma or a quota
It was regular stuff like Perry and Thrust
Ain't out of the blue like we usually do
So me and Angelo came around about seven
With stars in our eyes from the press we were getting
Suspect from headache you know a great deal
Your apathy fake but your parts are real
More than a little by the time it went down
I had crossed your path but you didn't know how
A record claimed star by the end of the week
Set flames to the heat that's all out in the street
The problems and pain runs hand in hand
When the mother of commerce ends up working for the band
The streets is watching
So keep on talking
Your time is ticking down, down, down
The streets is watching
So keep on talking
Your time is ticking down, down, down

Let's catch fishes
Bombs make misses
You get served like dishes
Like the soft machine kisses your ass
It's not one iota or a comma or a quota
When your time here is over
One bum, two bum, three bums more
If dispute you're using, then you know what it's for
A shot in the dark and after a thought
A lark
You hit the watermark but the thug didn't bark
Oh yeah, that's the sound of the police
They're making the wave because your hand is greased
Can't put nobody on unless they're wearing a thong
But the days are gone like Yvonne Elliman
If I can't be true, I don't want your money, baby
See, I'm happy being stealth
Can't define my wealth
So, yo, go ask somebody else
Yeah, the streets is watching
Yeahn the streets is watching
I said the streets are watching