Footsteps by Frankmusik Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Footsteps” by Frankmusik from the album Do It in the AM (2011)? More than 33 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Footsteps”.

Footsteps en Lyrics [Frankmusik]
Footsteps English Lyrics Album Do It in the AM

Quote from the song “Footsteps” by Frankmusik

She tried loving someone else
And now she’s losing
Something better than herself
So bold, she’s choosing

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Footsteps lyrics [Frankmusik]

Frankmusik: Footsteps Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Footsteps”

  • Produced: Martin Kierszenbaum, Frankmusik
  • Written: Martin Kierszenbaum, Frankmusik
  • Release Date:

Footsteps lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Footsteps lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Footsteps”:

  • Produced: Martin Kierszenbaum, Frankmusik
  • rn
  • Written: Martin Kierszenbaum, Frankmusik

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Footsteps” Released in 2011

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Footsteps” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

She tried loving someone else
And now she’s losing
Something better than herself
So bold, she’s choosing

[Verse 2]

Life that’s not been written before
Chase a dream
She thinks there’s more in store
She’s moving


With every little footstep that she makes
It’s bigger than the last one that she takes
Another little heartbeat seems to break
She’s walking away (now she’s walking away)
With every little footstep that she makes
It’s bigger than the last one that she takes
She’s walking away and getting further each day

[Verse 3]

Loving one is bad enough
But still, she’s smarter
Risk is really what she wants
When life’s much harder

[Verse 4]

One big choice and she’s at it again
Grass is greener, she tells her friends to send, a postcard



Gamble your life away
Win lose again today
With every little footstep that she makes
It’s bigger than the last one that she takes
Another little heartbeat seems to break
She’s walking away
With every little footstep that she makes
It’s bigger than the last one that she takes
She’s walking away
And getting further each
Getting further each day (With every little footstep)
Getting further each day (With every little footstep)
She’s getting further each
Getting further each day
She’s getting further each day
(Now she’s walking away)