Gon' Be Given by Feather (CHI) Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Gon' Be Given” by Feather (CHI) from the album Roses (2018)? More than 167 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Gon' Be Given”.

Gon\' Be Given en Lyrics [Feather (CHI)]
Gon\' Be Given English Lyrics Album Roses

Quote from the song “Gon' Be Given” by Feather (CHI)

//Verse 1//
You see that girl in the hallway
"High school, no room for fat bitches", that's what you said
You can't deal with the fact that she's fat
Your jokes are wasted, it won't last
He's black, she's metis, he's dumb, she's gay
But they're all as you
Watch your games go through


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Gon' Be Given lyrics [Feather (CHI)]

Feather (CHI): Gon' Be Given Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Gon' Be Given”

  • Produced: Feather (CHI)
  • Written: Feather (CHI)
  • Release Date:

Gon' Be Given lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Gon' Be Given lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Gon' Be Given”:

  • Produced: Feather (CHI)
  • rn
  • Written: Feather (CHI)

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Gon' Be Given” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Gon' Be Given” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

//Verse 1//
You see that girl in the hallway
"High school, no room for fat bitches", that's what you said
You can't deal with the fact that she's fat
Your jokes are wasted, it won't last
He's black, she's metis, he's dumb, she's gay
But they're all as you
Watch your games go through

Why you do them like that?
Tell me, why you do them like that, do them like that?
Why you do them like that?
Do them like that
Tell me, tell 'em why you do them like that?

Being a bad motherfucker won't make you a man
Nothing but a heartbreaker
You could fade away
I would got zero chills and zero fucks gon' be given
That's your legacy
Nobody's gon' keep you company
Can't count all the hearts you got broken
All the flames you got frozen
I tell you, zero fucks gon' be given
//Verse 2//
You see that boy in the hallway
Tryna talk shit all around 'bout me
But that ain't working, boy, that ain't working
You, your friends, your bastards and all your bitches
I don't give a fuck 'bout your games
I won't fall for your games
And you keep on gossiping 'bout people
But look at you, ugly-ass motherfucker

Why you do them like that?
Tell me, why you do them like that, do them like that?
Why you do them like that?
Do them like that
Tell me, tell 'em why you do them like that?

Being a bad motherfucker won't make you a man
Nothing but a heartbreaker
You could fade away
I would got zero chills and zero fucks gon' be given
That's your legacy
Nobody's gon' keep you company
Can't count all the hearts you got broken
All the flames you got frozen
I tell you, zero fucks gon' be given
You don't wanna be alone
You don't wanna be let down, no one wants to
You don't wanna be too gone
Because you're not eternal and people forget people like you
Your girlfriend is the same as you
You don't love her, she's just pretty
She got lucky outside
Inside, she's a pig
And personally, I don't date pigs

Being a bad motherfucker won't make you a man
Nothing but a heartbreaker
You could fade away
I would got zero chills and zero fucks gon' be given
That's your legacy
Nobody's gon' keep you company
Can't count all the hearts you got broken
All the flames you got frozen
I tell you, zero fucks gon' be given