A Flóber by Fausto Lyrics
Looking for the Portuguese lyrics to “A Flóber” by Fausto from the album P'ro Que Der e Vier (1974)? More than 71 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “A Flóber”.
Quote from the song “A Flóber” by Fausto
Ainda me lembro. O melhor presente
Que tive foi sem dúvida aquela flóber
Toda a garotada da terra colaborou no meu
Entusiasmo. Íamos para o campo
Pam pam, pardal aqui, pam pam, pardal ali
Can you finish lyrics of the song “A Flóber” based on this quote?
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Official Music Video Song “A Flóber”
Fausto - “A Flóber” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Fausto will answer the following questions:
- What song samples A Flóber?
- Where is A Flóber music video clip?
- Who was in the A Flóber official music video?
- Who sang the popular song A Flóber?
- What is the meaning of the song A Flóber?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “A Flóber”
- Produced: Fausto
- Written: Mário Henrique Leiria
- Recorded At: Estudios Kirios
- Release Date: 1974
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “A Flóber” Released in 1974
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “A Flóber” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Ainda me lembro. O melhor presente
Que tive foi sem dúvida aquela flóber
Toda a garotada da terra colaborou no meu
Entusiasmo. Íamos para o campo
Pam pam, pardal aqui, pam pam, pardal ali
A única arrelia que tive com ela foi
Quando um dia, sem querer, pam
Acertei em cheio na tia Albertina
Para castigo não me deixaram ir ao enterro