Not Going Home by Faithless Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Not Going Home” by Faithless from the album The Dance (2010)? More than 142 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Not Going Home”.

Not Going Home en Lyrics [Faithless]
Not Going Home English Lyrics Album The Dance

Quote from the song “Not Going Home” by Faithless

It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
Come with me
Come with me

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Not Going Home lyrics [Faithless]

Faithless: Not Going Home Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Not Going Home”

Faithless - “Not Going Home” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Faithless will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Not Going Home?
  • Where is Not Going Home music video clip?
  • Who was in the Not Going Home official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Not Going Home?
  • What is the meaning of the song Not Going Home?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Not Going Home”

  • Produced: Sister Bliss, Rollo Armstrong
  • Written: Maxi Jazz, Sister Bliss, Rollo Armstrong
  • Lyrics: Maxi Jazz
  • Vocals: Maxi Jazz
  • Recorded: Grippa
  • Release Date: May 16, 2010

Not Going Home lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Not Going Home lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Not Going Home”:

  • Not Going Home Remixes: Not Going Home (Armin van Buuren Remix) by Faithless

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Not Going Home” Released in 2010

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Not Going Home” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
Come with me
Come with me

[Verse 1]

A simple tension a run through me chest
My simple intention
Tonight me na rest
Till I invest these proceedings with vigour and zest
And trigger wetness under your vest
Test your fitness
Special request to my love interest
I watch the rhythm slide right up your dress
I watch the rhythm slide right up your dress
I watch the rhythm slide right up your dress


Induce a case of mild madness
Cook it till it's black
Cos we like it just a tad crisp


It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
Come with me
Come with me
Come with me


It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
Come with me

[Verse 2]

Outside the club there's a line o' taxi
I wan ya climb next to me on the back seat
I need your company to relax me
I wanna know just how you come so sexy
That we both here together has profound meaning
I'm so down with you I can feel your breathing
You give me something to believe in
Now kiss me properly and stop your teasing


'cause it's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
Come with me
Come with me
Come with me

[Chorus 2]

It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
I'm not going home
It's not over
I'm not going home till I can take you with me
Take you with me
Take you with me
Take you with me
Take you with me
Take you with me
Take you with me
Take you with me
Take you with me
Take you with me