Makhna by F1rstman Lyrics

Looking for the Lithuanian lyrics to “Makhna” by F1rstman (2020)? More than 89 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Makhna”.

Makhna lt Lyrics [F1rstman]
Makhna Lithuanian Lyrics

Quote from the song “Makhna” by F1rstman

Makhna ve makhna
Tere liye rukhna
Makhna ve makhna
Ki ve tenu bulna
Aye jaani tu tu tu tu
Haan jaani tu tu tu tu
Haani tu tu tu tu
Hey jaani tu tu tu tu

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Makhna lyrics [F1rstman]

F1rstman: Makhna Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Makhna”

F1rstman - “Makhna” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of F1rstman will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Makhna?
  • Where is Makhna music video clip?
  • Who was in the Makhna official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Makhna?
  • What is the meaning of the song Makhna?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Makhna”

  • Featuring: Ian Thomas
  • Produced: Anders (Producer)
  • Written: Ian Thomas, F1rstman
  • Release Date: February 6, 2020

Makhna lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Makhna lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Makhna” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Makhna” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Chorus: F1rstman]

Makhna ve makhna
Tere liye rukhna
Makhna ve makhna
Ki ve tenu bulna
Aye jaani tu tu tu tu
Haan jaani tu tu tu tu
Haani tu tu tu tu
Hey jaani tu tu tu tu

[Verse 1: Ian Thomas]

Feel the vibe
Been on my lane, you can catch a ride
Been on my game, you know there's the time


race, go fast, my pace


All eyes on me, need time to take
All eyes on me, need time to pray
Take me away,


Prolly today
Giving you all that you need (Need)
Laugh like a movie dream
When they go out, yeah you know it’s a scene
No one can tell you a dream
No one can do what you be
You know no one enemy, sipping on Pellegri
I'm just being me, switch it to Lamborghi
Love you next to me

[Chorus: F1rstman]

Makhna ve makhna
Tere liye rukhna
Makhna ve makhna
Ki ve tenu bulna
Aye jaani tu tu tu tu
Haan jaani tu tu tu tu
Jaani tu tu tu tu
Hey jaani tu tu tu tu

[Verse 2: F1rstman & Ian Thomas]

Babe, I've been looking at you (You)
Why ain't you looking at me? (At me)
Nakhra-Vakhra teri hi lagda
Baby yes I’m in need (Need)
Karda colour vhi match (Match)
Posing in all magazines (Zines)
Giving u all my zamin (Zamin)
Giving u all my zamin
Haan deva juthi tennu kidhi vi tu jave
Loriya mai tenu vi sunna va
Leke jana hun tere un my way
Haan das mainu kithe ve tu jana
Haan deva juthi tennu kidhi vi tu jave
Loriya mai tenu vi sunna va
Leke jana hun tere un my way
Haan das mainu kithe ve tu jana


Jaani tu tu tu tu
Han jaani tu tu tu tu
Jaani tu tu tu tu