Thanks very rare by Eztheninjakid Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Thanks very rare” by Eztheninjakid from the album shuriken mixtape (2014)? More than 106 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Thanks very rare”.

Thanks very rare en Lyrics [Eztheninjakid]
Thanks very rare English Lyrics Album shuriken mixtape

Quote from the song “Thanks very rare” by Eztheninjakid

Ez, the ninja kid, 808 does it, still
HI, bedroom music, produced by eztheninjakid, yuh
Late night productions you feel me

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Thanks very rare lyrics [Eztheninjakid]

Eztheninjakid: Thanks very rare Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Thanks very rare”

  • Produced: Harmony god
  • Release Date:

Thanks very rare lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Thanks very rare lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Thanks very rare”:

  • Produced: Harmony god

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Thanks very rare” Released in 2014

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Thanks very rare” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Ez, the ninja kid, 808 does it, still
HI, bedroom music, produced by eztheninjakid, yuh
Late night productions you feel me

Verse 1:
Today is new i love my face. body tight im feelin my fuckin self the beat is fresh all dayy
Feel depression waves i had it comin had it comin put a smile on my face i think im made just to express
It old faces naw that shit feel like it was yesterday foreal
Im still fresh like out womb call me sifu sage or something no age that shit whatever i can be the age im feelin Vibe killa like some terror .bend her she say cut it. Bust on top a track that is rawer than yo bitch ass
Watch me as i get cash. Poof a couple pretty bitches
30 vision writing master fuckin pieces call me recess show em love n get the money like u owe it
Ask me if im high n i say yea im fuckin high clouds hazy colors. Swag music
BDK word is bond n that shit on my balls. Gold house wit the gold n all a that