Wide Eyed Girl by Eurythmics Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Wide Eyed Girl” by Eurythmics from the album Savage (1987)? More than 148 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Wide Eyed Girl”.

Wide Eyed Girl en Lyrics [Eurythmics]
Wide Eyed Girl English Lyrics Album Savage

Quote from the song “Wide Eyed Girl” by Eurythmics

She was a wide eyed girl
In a purple dress
She could have been good
She could have been the best
Shy little girl
When it came to the test
Wow, oh!
She was a cut above the rest
She was a wide eyed girl
With teased up hair
She could have had money
But she didn't care
She was looking for you daddy
Never there
Looking for you daddy, oh, yeah, yeah


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Wide Eyed Girl lyrics [Eurythmics]

Eurythmics: Wide Eyed Girl Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Wide Eyed Girl”

Eurythmics - “Wide Eyed Girl” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Eurythmics will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Wide Eyed Girl?
  • Where is Wide Eyed Girl music video clip?
  • Who was in the Wide Eyed Girl official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Wide Eyed Girl?
  • What is the meaning of the song Wide Eyed Girl?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Wide Eyed Girl”

  • Produced: David A. Stewart
  • Written: David A. Stewart, Annie Lennox
  • Release Date: November 9, 1987

Wide Eyed Girl lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Wide Eyed Girl lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Wide Eyed Girl” Released in 1987

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Wide Eyed Girl” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

She was a wide eyed girl
In a purple dress
She could have been good
She could have been the best
Shy little girl
When it came to the test
Wow, oh!
She was a cut above the rest
She was a wide eyed girl
With teased up hair
She could have had money
But she didn't care
She was looking for you daddy
Never there
Looking for you daddy, oh, yeah, yeah


Wide eyed girl
Wide eyed girl
Wide eyed girl
Wide eyed girl

[Verse 2]

She was a wide eyed girl
Of a tender age
Just moving out of her sensitive phase
She said
"I love you, baby, it's for always
And I don't care what the teacher says"

[Verse 3]

When she walked out
Through the streets of Rome
All of the Italians wanna take her home
All the brown little babies
With the slicked back hair
Sayin' "Prima amore! Wow!"


"I'm sayin' something
Are ya listening to me?"

"Don't you walk away when I'm
Communicating with you!"

Wide eyed...
"She's goin' clickin' clackin'
Down the road in them high heeled shoes"!

Wide eyed...
Wow! Wow! Wow!
Wide eyed girl
"Mona Lisa!"


Wide eyed girl
Wide eyed girl
Wide eyed girl
Wide eyed girl
Wide eyed girl