Limitless by Euroz Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Limitless” by Euroz (2017)? More than 115 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Limitless”.

Limitless en Lyrics [Euroz]
Limitless English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Limitless” by Euroz

Play role out we on set
Ain't rich but we still set
At least with me you know it's no regrets
Told you back then feelings you was gon' catch
Used the hairdryer out of the shower wet
I'm gon recognize you have this silhouette
Used to have it spread like a stretch
You say you don't miss it it's a stretch
Gotta wash these sheets we mess
Got her own really she impress
Know I need you like the CLS
The more I work the more I see it less
They see that happy on

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Limitless lyrics [Euroz]

Euroz: Limitless Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Limitless”

Euroz - “Limitless” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Euroz will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Limitless?
  • Where is Limitless music video clip?
  • Who was in the Limitless official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Limitless?
  • What is the meaning of the song Limitless?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Limitless”

  • Produced: Reezy (USA)
  • Written: Euroz
  • Release Date: December 31, 2017

Limitless lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Limitless lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Limitless” Released in 2017

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Limitless” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Play role out we on set
Ain't rich but we still set
At least with me you know it's no regrets
Told you back then feelings you was gon' catch
Used the hairdryer out of the shower wet
I'm gon recognize you have this silhouette
Used to have it spread like a stretch
You say you don't miss it it's a stretch
Gotta wash these sheets we mess
Got her own really she impress
Know I need you like the CLS
The more I work the more I see it less
They see that happy on


but don't know what that's all like
All that shade that they throw still ain't dimming your light
They ask questions, do you know they tryna get in your life?
You really that Benz that


Oh, oh, oh, oh, woah, ah


If it ain't your aura I don't want that shit around me
Me and shawty good we isolate it get cloudy
This ain't no limit to what we got when you 'bout it
Trust ain't no limit to what we got when you 'bout it

If it ain't your aura I don't want that shit around me
Me and shawty good we isolate it get cloudy
It ain't no limit to what we got when you 'bout it
Trust ain't no limit to what we got when you 'bout it

[Verse 2]

Shawty out here


Lord knows it's been a while
For the right person you


During you be all loud
Since silence blow loud
After you don't make a sound
No we ain't in the clouds
Take the trip down South, how you come and freak it like fly mouse
Made moves we both got the fouse
Put it on a lot of shit get


And you are goin' all loud
Oh, oh, woah, ah


If it ain't your aura I don't want that shit around me
Me and shawty good we isolate it get cloudy
This ain't no limit to what we got when you 'bout it
Trust ain't no limit to what we got when you 'bout it

If it ain't your aura I don't want that shit around me
Me and shawty good we isolate it get cloudy
It ain't no limit to what we got when you 'bout it
Trust ain't no limit to what we got