Ex friend by Ericteehee Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Ex friend” by Ericteehee from the album ericteehee (DELUXE) (2022)? More than 161 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ex friend”.
Quote from the song “Ex friend” by Ericteehee
You moved here in november
Or maybe it was september
Obviously you weren’t relevant enough to remember
But just know you really did enough
To leave a permanent scar on my heart
Because now i’m left feeling like i did something wrong
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Ex friend” based on this quote?
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Official Music Video Song “Ex friend”
Ericteehee - “Ex friend” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Ericteehee will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Ex friend?
- Where is Ex friend music video clip?
- Who was in the Ex friend official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Ex friend?
- What is the meaning of the song Ex friend?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Ex friend”
- Produced: Ericteehee
- Written: Ericteehee
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Ex friend”:
- Produced: Ericteehee rn
- Written: Ericteehee
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ex friend” Released in 2022
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ex friend” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
You moved here in november
Or maybe it was september
Obviously you weren’t relevant enough to remember
But just know you really did enough
To leave a permanent scar on my heart
Because now i’m left feeling like i did something wrong
You can play innocent (yeah you can)
Never really was a fan (never)
Made a fool out of yourself (stupid)
‘cause you put me on the shelf (oh-i)
I thought we were supposed to be friends
Friends until the very end
Been friends for a few years
And now you’re the one shedding a few tears?
Seems fake as hell if you ask me
Someday you’ll come running back to me
When you see me on the TV
Just know, never again
Callin’ me bestie but you hate me
Now how does that make any fucking sense?
Okay “bestie” let’s fake it until the very very end
For a second i really thought we were friends
To be honest you act like you’re ten
And i now realize
You can play innocent
Never really was a fan
Made a fool out of yourself
‘cause you put me on the shelf (oh-i)
I thought we were supposed to be friends
Friends until the very end
Been friends for a few years
And now you’re the one shedding a few tears?
Seems fake as hell if you ask me
Someday you’ll come running back to me
When you see me on the TV
Just know, never again
You can play innocent
But you can’t lie forever (no)
You can play innocent
But you can’t lie forever (no)
I thought we were supposed to be friends
Friends until the very end
Been friends for a few years
And now you’re the one shedding a few tears?
Seems fake as hell if you ask me
Someday you’ll come running back to me
When you see me on the TV
Just know, never again
I thought we were supposed to be friends
Been friends for a few years
Seems fake as hell if you ask me
Someday you’ll come running back to me
Just know, never again
FAQ & Knowledge Song “Ex friend”
ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?
Verified CommentaryEricteehee
this song is about one of ex friends ;)