The Holographic Principle by Epica Lyrics
Looking for the Latin lyrics to “The Holographic Principle” by Epica from the album The Holographic Principle (2016)? More than 178 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “The Holographic Principle”.
Quote from the song “The Holographic Principle” by Epica
Discemus gubernaculum esse movendum
Quod verum Putaveram esse particulam
Pro viribus agendum est
Vim totam adhibebimus
Ad haec nos paremus
Can you finish lyrics of the song “The Holographic Principle” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Official Music Video Song “The Holographic Principle”
Epica - “The Holographic Principle” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Epica will answer the following questions:
- What song samples The Holographic Principle?
- Where is The Holographic Principle music video clip?
- Who was in the The Holographic Principle official music video?
- Who sang the popular song The Holographic Principle?
- What is the meaning of the song The Holographic Principle?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “The Holographic Principle”
- Produced: Epica, Joost van den Broek
- Written: Mark Jansen
- Mastering Engineer: Jacob Hansen
- Mixing Engineer: Jacob Hansen
- Mixed At: Hansen Studios
- Label: Nuclear Blast
- Copyright ©: Nuclear Blast
- Phonographic Copyright ℗: Nuclear Blast
- Recorded At: Sandlane Recording Facilities, Rijen, The Netherlands
- Release Date: September 30, 2016
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “The Holographic Principle” Released in 2016
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “The Holographic Principle” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Discemus gubernaculum esse movendum
Quod verum Putaveram esse particulam
Pro viribus agendum est
Vim totam adhibebimus
Ad haec nos paremus
[Simone Simons]
Our brave soul is crying
Our soul is lost
Our brave soul is dying
Our soul is lost
We don’t know how we can
Decode this anagram
We have lost our true selves
Within this hologram
Nothing is what it seems
Our soul is lost
We challenge illusions
Created by us all
[Mark Jansen]
Cube the Sphere
Wipe all the dust from your eyes
Burn your lies
Dare to trash your own paradise
Doubt your eyes
[Simone Simons]
We challenge illusions
Created by us all
Learn to trust your senses deep within
And see with all the beauty of your soul
Shine down all your precious light on me
I’ll wake you in reality again
[Mark Jansen]
Be free of fear
Open up your heart, make a whole new start
Free from the past
Your future is convertible
Now embrace the holographic principle
[Simone Simons]
Only you is what you’ll be
All you are is what you see
On the other side it’s me
If you turn around
You’ll see I am here
Only you is what you’ll be
Now break out and we’ll be free
Leave dubiety behind, dive into eternal light
Merge with all the energy around
Immerse yourself in seas of futile wishes
Do not try to judge your universe
Let purity reverse your sacred curse
[Mark Jansen]
Be free of fear
Open up your heart, make a whole new start
Free from the past
Your demons seem invincible
Now embrace the holographic principle
[Simone Simons]
Only you is what you’ll be
All you are is what you see
On the other side it’s me
If you turn around
You’ll see I am here
Only you is what you’ll be
Now break out and we’ll be free
Leave dubiety behind and dive into eternal light
[Mark Jansen]
You become what you focus on
Don’t shift the blame to the world
It will raise vexation
It can cause your death and our defeat
FAQ & Knowledge Song “The Holographic Principle”
ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?
Mark: “Someone accused us of being a bit pretentious with this title but it’s really just a summary of the concept! If our theory of the holographic principle is true, it would be scary but it would also be exciting because it would change the whole world. Since I’ve been working on this album, it’s challenged my own perceptions and I’ve started to believe in it too.”