Athair ar Neamh by Enya Lyrics
Looking for the Irish lyrics to “Athair ar Neamh” by Enya from the album The Memory of Trees (1995)? More than 225 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Athair ar Neamh”.
Quote from the song “Athair ar Neamh” by Enya
Athair ar Neamh, Dia linn
Athair ar Neamh, Dia liom
M’anam, mo chroí, mo ghlóir
Moladh duit, a Dhia
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Official Music Video Song “Athair ar Neamh”
Enya - “Athair ar Neamh” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Enya will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Athair ar Neamh?
- Where is Athair ar Neamh music video clip?
- Who was in the Athair ar Neamh official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Athair ar Neamh?
- What is the meaning of the song Athair ar Neamh?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Athair ar Neamh”
- Produced: Nicky Ryan
- Written: Enya
- Publisher: EMI Music Publishing Group
- Mastering Engineer: Arun Chakraverty
- Lyricist: Roma Ryan
- Engineer: Nicky Ryan
- Mixing Engineer: Nicky Ryan
- Arranger: Enya, Nicky Ryan
- Vocals: Enya
- Instrumentation: Enya
- Remastering Engineer: Dick Beetham
- Recorded At: Aigle Studios, Killiney, County Dublin, Ireland
- Release Date: November 20, 1995
Additional Information About the Sample “Athair ar Neamh”:
- Songs That Sample Athair ar Neamh: Carne Versus Espírito by Paladinos Da Essência
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Athair ar Neamh” Released in 1995
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Athair ar Neamh” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[English Lyrics]
[Verse 1]
Athair ar Neamh, Dia linn
Athair ar Neamh, Dia liom
M’anam, mo chroí, mo ghlóir
Moladh duit, a Dhia
[Verse 2]
Fada an lá, go sámh
Fada an oíche, gan ghruaim
Aoibhneas, áthas, grá
Moladh duit, a Dhia
Móraim thú ó lá go lá
Móraim thú ó oích' go hóich
[Verse 3]
Athair ar Neamh, Dia linn
Athair ar Neamh, Dia liom
An ghealach, an ghrian, an ghaoth
Moladh duit, a Dhia
Móraim thú ó lá go lá
Móraim thú ó oích' go hóich
[Verse 4]
Athair ar Neamh, Dia linn
Athair ar Neamh, Dia liom
M’anam, mo chroí, mo ghlóir
Moladh duit, a Dhia
FAQ & Knowledge Song “Athair ar Neamh”
ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?
Lyricist Roma Ryan wrote in the album’s promotional box:
The voice of epiphany is found in Athair ar Neamh. It is the voice of day, the voice of night, the voice of all, of understanding.
It is a peace which is unique to the individual, a peace that is felt rather than described. It is that moment in which we experience a sense of calm and understanding amidst the bustle and hustle of everyday living, and although it is a brief encounter, it is complete.