Döne Döne by Şanışer Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Döne Döne” by Şanışer from the album Şanışer - Umut (English Translation) (2021)? More than 55 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Döne Döne”.

Döne Döne en Lyrics [Şanışer]
Döne Döne English Lyrics Album Şanışer - Umut (English Translation)

Quote from the song “Döne Döne” by Şanışer

The demons inside
The demons inside
The demons inside
The demons inside


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Döne Döne lyrics [Şanışer]

Şanışer: Döne Döne Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Döne Döne”

  • Original Song Title: Döne Döne, English translation
  • Release Date: May 14, 2021

Döne Döne lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Döne Döne lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Döne Döne” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Döne Döne” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


The demons inside
The demons inside
The demons inside
The demons inside


Looking for me left and right
They look for me left and right
Although they see me fallen
Although they see me torn apart
They look for me left and right
Left and right
Although they see me fallen
Although they see me torn apart

[Verse 1]

Anytime I dare to be happy
Anytime I turn towards good things
Something in me unravels
I fake smiles on stage
But I always cry a river on the inside
Dried-up lakes churn
I hide my demons, most of you don't know
I don't anticipate. I know, a solution won't come from high above
I smile while I'm blinded by my anger towards mankind
'Cause I gotta look successful
I gotta dress nice, talk nice
I gotta spice up people's lives
I gotta hide the fact that I'm hopeless & I just wanna disappear
'Cause we gotta sell tickets
I gotta look good on screen
I gotta film stories, commercials, smiling
Can't shed a single tear
Even when the demons drive me crazy at night


Looking for me left and right
They look for me left and right
Although they see me fallen
Although they see me torn apart
They look for me left and right
Left and right
Although they see me fallen
Although they see me torn apart

[Verse 2]

I didn't get high on whatever I could find
I got kinship in my heart, factions on my mind
My demons are eccentric
Everyone's partying, and I swear, I don't understand jack shit
In this broken system, the only thing I love is music
I just can't look at life through rose-colored glasses
My friends ask me to stop complaining
And I know that the world owes me nothing
But those demons inside me
The demons inside


Looking for me left and right
They look for me left and right
Although they see me broken
Although they see me torn apart
They look for me left and right
Left and right
Although they see me broken
Although they see me torn apart