Strip Tease Psychedelic by Emmett Kai Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Strip Tease Psychedelic” by Emmett Kai from the album Love Yourself (2018)? More than 182 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Strip Tease Psychedelic”.

Strip Tease Psychedelic en Lyrics [Emmett Kai]
Strip Tease Psychedelic English Lyrics Album Love Yourself

Quote from the song “Strip Tease Psychedelic” by Emmett Kai

Sweat on the window (From the sex)
She wore stiletto (Do again)
She probably listens to the dancehall, baby (Oh, yeah)
But she cries in her pillow (Yeah, ah)

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Strip Tease Psychedelic lyrics [Emmett Kai]

Emmett Kai: Strip Tease Psychedelic Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Strip Tease Psychedelic”

Emmett Kai - “Strip Tease Psychedelic” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Emmett Kai will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Strip Tease Psychedelic?
  • Where is Strip Tease Psychedelic music video clip?
  • Who was in the Strip Tease Psychedelic official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Strip Tease Psychedelic?
  • What is the meaning of the song Strip Tease Psychedelic?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Strip Tease Psychedelic”

  • Written: Emmett Kai
  • Release Date: June 26, 2018

Strip Tease Psychedelic lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Strip Tease Psychedelic lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Strip Tease Psychedelic” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Strip Tease Psychedelic” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Sweat on the window (From the sex)
She wore stiletto (Do again)
She probably listens to the dancehall, baby (Oh, yeah)
But she cries in her pillow (Yeah, ah)




Strip tease psychedelic (In the flesh)
Fuck you up if you let it (Don’t look stressed)
She hates watching that baseball TV (Oh)
But basketball gets some credit
So check it out
(And we’re here now, six)


Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you
Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you
Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you
Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you


Sweat on the window (From the sex)
She wore stiletto (Do again)
She probably listens to the dancehall, baby (Oh, yeah)
But she cries in her pillow (Yeah, ah)




Strip tease psychedelic (In the flesh)
Fuck you up if you let it (Don’t look stressed)
She hates watching that baseball TV (Oh)
But basketball gets some credit
So check it out
(And we’re here now, six)


Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you
Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you
Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you
Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you


Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you
Through our place, through our time
If you care…
Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you
Through our place, through our time
If you care, I fell in love with you