You've Got to Say Yes by Embrace Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “You've Got to Say Yes” by Embrace from the album The Good Will Out (1998)? More than 186 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “You've Got to Say Yes”.

You\'ve Got to Say Yes en Lyrics [Embrace]
You\'ve Got to Say Yes English Lyrics Album The Good Will Out

Quote from the song “You've Got to Say Yes” by Embrace

You've gotta say yes
How can you have doubts
The view's too good to jump
Now let me talk you down
Come On
Like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth
Man you've done us proud
No you you're not with us
You please yourself, self, self
Come On

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You've Got to Say Yes lyrics [Embrace]

Embrace: You've Got to Say Yes Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “You've Got to Say Yes”

  • Produced: Dave Creffield
  • Written: Richard McNamara, Danny McNamara
  • Release Date: June 8, 1998

You've Got to Say Yes lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: You've Got to Say Yes lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “You've Got to Say Yes” Released in 1998

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “You've Got to Say Yes” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

You've gotta say yes
How can you have doubts
The view's too good to jump
Now let me talk you down
Come On
Like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth
Man you've done us proud
No you you're not with us
You please yourself, self, self
Come On

With your foolish lies and your alibis
I can see my works almost done
I won't stand aside as you wash your life down the drain
Before it's begun
Cos you, you know better
Cos you're hooked and you're fucked without me

You've gotta say yes
Trample on your doubts
The view's too good to jump
Now let me talk you down
Come On

With your foolish lies and your alibis
I can see my works almost done
I won't stand aside as you wash your life down the drain
Before it's begun
With your foolish lies and your foolish pride
I can see my works almost done
I won't stand aside as you wash your life down the drain
Before it's begun
Cos you, you know better
Cos you're hooked and your f**ked without me
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
You've gotta say yes