Jongoma by Elzo JamDong Lyrics
Looking for the Dutch lyrics to “Jongoma” by Elzo JamDong from the album Antidote (2020)? More than 170 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Jongoma”.
Quote from the song “Jongoma” by Elzo JamDong
Jongoma, xolal ni may doxé
Jongoma, xolal ni may doxé
Ay ni may doxé neex na la !
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Official Music Video Song “Jongoma”
Elzo JamDong - “Jongoma” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Elzo JamDong will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Jongoma?
- Where is Jongoma music video clip?
- Who was in the Jongoma official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Jongoma?
- What is the meaning of the song Jongoma?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Jongoma”
- Produced: E Tracc
- Written: Elzo JamDong
- Release Date: April 17, 2020
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Jongoma” Released in 2020
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Jongoma” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Jongoma, xolal ni may doxé
Jongoma, xolal ni may doxé
Ay ni may doxé neex na la !
Maala togne maa ngui diégueulou bae im sorry
Maala togne maa ngui diegueulou bae im sorry
Maala togne maa ngui diégueulou bae im sorry
Newone naala naala nekkal ki gueun boul worry
Im sorry x8
Verse 1:
Jant bi fénkk naatal sama tole
Samay soubeu gobi di gueuneu Lerr
Jankkh bi akimo nga sama khole
Dang may gueuneu soneul dimeu gueuneu neekh
Guiss naa
Beuri neu niou beugg souniou andeu thiole
Jalousie dineu lène rey
Wayé so solé lou sexy guenn niou ley khole
Yow yaa gueuneu kham damay mér
Bing ma bayé beu tey beneen nit ngueu
Boumeu baayi maley sakou ndimbeul
Newone naala bouma indil fitneu
Newone naala naala nekkal ki gueun
Boul mer soumeu meunoul gouddé wakh ak yow telephone chaque jour damay kheyi 8 heures
Te c’est normal may petard seu kow soumay nieuw tassek nigga bouy guenn sene immeuble
Baby yang may kokkeuli
Dangay nappé meloni
Boumeu diappé novice
Bayil fo bi
Yang mey doflo di
Maala togne maa ngui diégueulou bae im sorry
Maala togne maa ngui diegueulou bae im sorry
Maala togne maa ngui diégueulou bae im sorry
Newone naala naala nekkal ki gueun boul worry
Im sorry x8
Verse 2:
Kou ne am nga seu waa diou ley fadj ba nga wer
Kou nekk ak seu nit
So gueumoul ni may ki ley yor guidelam
Naala defal ngueu guiss
Legui nangoul ne daanou nga boul deupp carte gui
Mane rek ngueu need
Bi niou tassé ngueu mirr
Laadj meu ben meu defal leu 10
Ndakh beugg seu diamm
Te douma ko wethio ak thiow yi niou deukkou
Bingama bloquer laa kham li tchi reuthiou
Diém naaleu diot fekk seu dieumm neubbou
Worr lo nga sama khol deugg te kheuddoul
Yeg naa
Seu copine yi leu naan nga bayima gueuwma niou nekk ay kharit you deuggou
Warouniou setaan beu bounteu yi tediou niou nieuw di leu tegal ay issue de secours
Baby yang may kokkeuli
Dangay nappé meloni
Boumeu diappé novice
Bayil fo bi
Yang mey doflo di