Kiss the Sun by Ellis Paul Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Kiss the Sun” by Ellis Paul from the album American Jukebox Fables (2005)? More than 33 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Kiss the Sun”.

Kiss the Sun en Lyrics [Ellis Paul]
Kiss the Sun English Lyrics Album American Jukebox Fables

Quote from the song “Kiss the Sun” by Ellis Paul

When I was nineteen
I joined up with the reserves
And I fought on weekends
Paid my college tuition
But out in the killing fields
You come to question all you learn
Is peace the truth
A universal truth
Or some man made superstition

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Kiss the Sun lyrics [Ellis Paul]

Ellis Paul: Kiss the Sun Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Kiss the Sun”

  • Written: Ellis Paul
  • Release Date: April 5, 2005

Kiss the Sun lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Kiss the Sun lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Kiss the Sun” Released in 2005

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Kiss the Sun” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

When I was nineteen
I joined up with the reserves
And I fought on weekends
Paid my college tuition
But out in the killing fields
You come to question all you learn
Is peace the truth
A universal truth
Or some man made superstition

I dreamt I ran through Kansas wheatfields
Slept in the shadows
Where the Rockies kiss the sun, they kiss the sun
I dreamt I could hear freedom's sweep
In Martin Luther King's speeches (Lenny Bruce, Woody Guthrie)
Wasn't he reaching for the promise of America?

I heard Pat Tillman died
In the hills of Afghanistan
He came for justice
Not for greed, not for ego
His truth came through the fog
Like the hometeam's marching band
Are you a warrior, or a savior
Or the great American hero?
My wife, she's writing
The war's on CNN
"It looks pretty bad from here..."
"You should see it from my end -"
I'm just a sentinel
Just a sentinel
Fighting an oilman's war
And I need to know, I need to know
Is that what Pat Tillman died for?
