Lambskin by E L U C I D Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Lambskin” by E L U C I D from the album Shit Don’t Rhyme No More (2018)? More than 105 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Lambskin”.
Quote from the song “Lambskin” by E L U C I D
You can ride my face with ya bonnet on
I wanna fuck you in a do-rag, let the cape fly
I want my scalp greased while the fish fry
Another dip before I dip out
I got time, you got time
Slip away, slip inside
Surrender all, spread it wide
Yo daddy is a sensitive nigga, baby
Yo daddy is a sensitive nigga!
The pleasure's all mutual
Post coital snacks, super food
Shadow move in the nude
Thrash my head round
Candlelight room, rattle gently
I kept my Tims on
Loot plenty
Tongue cramp
Heavy lift I giggle with my belly kiss
Hum the clit
Make yo pussy spit
Came like thunder
Pull up to a bubble like a jack move
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Lambskin”
- Produced: Ohbliv
- Written: Ohbliv, E L U C I D
- Release Date: February 24, 2018
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Lambskin” Released in 2018
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Lambskin” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
You can ride my face with ya bonnet on
I wanna fuck you in a do-rag, let the cape fly
I want my scalp greased while the fish fry
Another dip before I dip out
I got time, you got time
Slip away, slip inside
Surrender all, spread it wide
Yo daddy is a sensitive nigga, baby
Yo daddy is a sensitive nigga!
The pleasure's all mutual
Post coital snacks, super food
Shadow move in the nude
Thrash my head round
Candlelight room, rattle gently
I kept my Tims on
Loot plenty
Tongue cramp
Heavy lift I giggle with my belly kiss
Hum the clit
Make yo pussy spit
Came like thunder
Pull up to a bubble like a jack move