#Social Dictum by Duntic Malick Munford and Damu Kananu Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “#Social Dictum” by Duntic Malick Munford and Damu Kananu (2021)? More than 134 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “#Social Dictum”.

#Social Dictum en Lyrics [Duntic Malick Munford and Damu Kananu]
#Social Dictum English Lyrics

Quote from the song “#Social Dictum” by Duntic Malick Munford and Damu Kananu

“Social Dictum”
(Duntic M. Munford)
Damu Kananu)


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#Social Dictum lyrics [Duntic Malick Munford and Damu Kananu]

Duntic Malick Munford and Damu Kananu: #Social Dictum Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “#Social Dictum”

  • Featuring: Malickhi and Damu
  • Produced: Music Produced by Tone Jones, Sound Recording Produced by Duntic Malick Munford
  • Written: Damu Kananu and Tone Jonez, Duntic Malick Munford
  • Release Date: May 14, 2021

#Social Dictum lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: #Social Dictum lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “#Social Dictum” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “#Social Dictum” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

“Social Dictum”
(Duntic M. Munford)
Damu Kananu)


So-cial Dic-tum
So-cial Dic-tum


This new world order
Seems something like sorta
A diabolical plan fam that takes us to the slaughter
What once was an option is now being ordered
That we all wear masks and gloves and stand 6 feet from another
A Coronavirus Taskforce edict enforced by Presidential Thugs
Rebelnize the streets and occupy the streets
When there refuse we to budge
Once was an option is now strictly ordered
That we all wear masks and glove staying 6 feet from another

It’s a fallacy that this new strain of C - O - V - I - D - 19
Is but a merе disease cronies plеase
These last-day-plans are no doubt plotted out by the powers that be
Advancing hidden agendas while setting the stage (much deception shall increase) for the beast
While they persecute the “Son of Peace” there's a nation giving birth to heresy
Systematically opposed to peace
And they’ll soon be cutting the tongues out of those that speak
While boldly daring anyone of us would ever teach the words that Jesus preached
But these are those dark times my momma warned me about
But I was young and foolish then my predisposition was to doubt
Now in 2020 reported rising case count contact tracers new technology
Means they’ll search us out
The whole world pledge allegiance to the beast now the faith of many millions suddenly goes to pieces
Money loses value and trade is then halted
A new religion of singularity demonology is exalted


This new world order
Seems something like sorta
A biological scan they’re building walls at every border
What once was an option is now strictly ordered
That we all renounce our faith and give over our sons and daughters
And W.H.O. prescribed this order enforced by Presidential Thugs
You’ve militarized our streets for photo ops we’re pushed and shoved
What once was an option is now strictly ordered
That we all wear masks and gloves and stand 6 feet from another

My little brother asked me why it's problems with the police
I told him it’s because we’re from the gutter where it’s no peace
Shots in the air I get no sleep
Covid-19 wear a mask that shit so deep
Got to keep your distance and make sure it’s 6 feet
And wash your hands for 25 seconds that’s routine
Shook up my whole world it feel like it’s a dream
But it’s reality late nights I hear the screams
But I’m cool as I stroll through the valley of death
Fear no man for God put us all to the test
Settle for less yah we don’t settle for less
I can’t breathe feel like I’m holding my breath
So stand tall through it all and you can make it
Main thang don’t panic you got to have a little patience
Stand tall through it all and you can make it
Main thang don’t panic you got to have a little patience


This new world order
Seems something like sorta
A diabolical plan fam that takes us to the slaughter
What once was an option is now being ordered
That we all wear masks and gloves and stand 6 feet from another
A Coronavirus Taskforce edict enforced by Presidential Thugs
Rebelnize the streets and occupy the streets
When there refuse we to budge
Once was an option is now strictly ordered
That we all wear masks and glove staying 6 feet from another another