Sweet Pain by Dremo Lyrics

Looking for the Serbian lyrics to “Sweet Pain” by Dremo from the album Codename, Vol.2 (2020)? More than 54 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Sweet Pain”.

Sweet Pain sr Lyrics [Dremo]
Sweet Pain Serbian Lyrics Album Codename, Vol.2

Quote from the song “Sweet Pain” by Dremo

Ah wooo
Opatapapapa malo pa me nw ma me kin pe olopa wa
Abena abeg now ma pa me na


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Sweet Pain lyrics [Dremo]

Dremo: Sweet Pain Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Sweet Pain”

Dremo - “Sweet Pain” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Dremo will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Sweet Pain?
  • Where is Sweet Pain music video clip?
  • Who was in the Sweet Pain official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Sweet Pain?
  • What is the meaning of the song Sweet Pain?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Sweet Pain”

  • Featuring: The Flowolf
  • Written: Dremo
  • Release Date: April 17, 2020

Sweet Pain lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Sweet Pain lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Sweet Pain” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Sweet Pain” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Ah wooo
Opatapapapa malo pa me nw ma me kin pe olopa wa
Abena abeg now ma pa me na

Susana Susana ooo
You get plenty stamina oh
I wan run but she kana
O je kin ma ginger oooo
Wen me say me ni gba ooo
Laiye layie ooo until you

Say gaaga, e dey pain me oo gaga
Sweet pain oooo gaga, e dey pain me well well ooo gaga
Say gaga, e dey pain me oo gaga
Sweet pain oooo gaga, e dey pain me well well ooo gaga

See wetin she dey use dey wake baba
Set awon mercy wey no get fake baka
'Cause the level wey dey your back na overload and
On a low I no know as you dey use am take waka
Calabar girl it no dey tire am
Make she work for me no be say she be bad employee I go lyk to fire am
And I hear say your bigger meat is sweet in the middle
Jen je be

Say gaaga, e dey pain me oo gaga
Sweet pain oooo gaga, e dey pain me well well ooo gaga
Say gaga, e dey pain me oo gaga
Sweet pain oooo gaga, e dey pain me well well ooo gaga
Opatapapapa malo pa me nw ma me kin pe olopa wa
Abena abeg now ma pa me na
Wetin I dey use dey wake mama she won die
Because e long e pass Anaconda
I be the guy with third leg for under
Hitler, oya hit am fender to bumper
Energy god e no dey tire me oh
If Dotun dey f up you better hire me oh
I no get time to be speaking in riddles
I hear say your bigger meat is sweet in the middle
Je'n je be

Say gaaga, e dey pain me oo gaga
Sweet pain oooo gaga, e dey pain me well well ooo gaga
Say gaga, e dey pain me oo gaga
Sweet pain oooo gaga, e dey pain me well well ooo gaga

Susana Susana ooo
You get plenty stamina oh
I wan run but she kana
O je kin ma ginger oooo
Wen me say me ni gba ooo
Laiye layie ooo until you