Greatest MC, Pt. 2 by Dr. Domino Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Greatest MC, Pt. 2” by Dr. Domino from the album Untitled, Pt. 2: Everything Verbatim (2022)? More than 178 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Greatest MC, Pt. 2”.

Greatest MC, Pt. 2 en Lyrics [Dr. Domino]
Greatest MC, Pt. 2 English Lyrics Album Untitled, Pt. 2: Everything Verbatim

Quote from the song “Greatest MC, Pt. 2” by Dr. Domino

Hello again, It's the greatest MC
I can still remember everything verbatim
Singing in my room after a long hiatus
All my fans think that I'm underrated
Hell, if you don't like it then here's a 4 letter word
That starts in an F and ends in a K and I can use a U right after it
Seriously, I just hate people that come to my page to 1-star submit
We're all over here being sarcastic like OMG, you're such a misfit
There's a few people in my lifе that I would want to just commit
Like some of my old friends who would tеll me no when they were being huge hypocrites
I'd like to make them feel tiny like some Ritz Bitz
Seems like everyone raps now
To Jeremiah Simmons
I think you act like a clown
So just sit down in the Chair-Emiah Simmons
No? I don't Car-Emiah Simmons
This DominoTown, You're not the Mayor-Emiah Simmons
Not the FreshPrinceOfBelAir-Emiah Simmons!
If you're bald, grow some Hair-Emiah Simmons!
Dar-Emiah Simmons
Don't do drugs, Dar-Emiah Simmons
Dr. Domino

Can you finish lyrics of the song “Greatest MC, Pt. 2” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

Greatest MC, Pt. 2 lyrics [Dr. Domino]

Dr. Domino: Greatest MC, Pt. 2 Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Greatest MC, Pt. 2”

Dr. Domino - “Greatest MC, Pt. 2” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Dr. Domino will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Greatest MC, Pt. 2?
  • Where is Greatest MC, Pt. 2 music video clip?
  • Who was in the Greatest MC, Pt. 2 official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Greatest MC, Pt. 2?
  • What is the meaning of the song Greatest MC, Pt. 2?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Greatest MC, Pt. 2”

  • Produced: Jonathan Beats
  • Written: Dr. Domino
  • Release Date: May 25, 2022

Greatest MC, Pt. 2 lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Greatest MC, Pt. 2 lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Greatest MC, Pt. 2” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Greatest MC, Pt. 2” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Hello again, It's the greatest MC
I can still remember everything verbatim
Singing in my room after a long hiatus
All my fans think that I'm underrated
Hell, if you don't like it then here's a 4 letter word
That starts in an F and ends in a K and I can use a U right after it
Seriously, I just hate people that come to my page to 1-star submit
We're all over here being sarcastic like OMG, you're such a misfit
There's a few people in my lifе that I would want to just commit
Like some of my old friends who would tеll me no when they were being huge hypocrites
I'd like to make them feel tiny like some Ritz Bitz
Seems like everyone raps now
To Jeremiah Simmons
I think you act like a clown
So just sit down in the Chair-Emiah Simmons
No? I don't Car-Emiah Simmons
This DominoTown, You're not the Mayor-Emiah Simmons
Not the FreshPrinceOfBelAir-Emiah Simmons!
If you're bald, grow some Hair-Emiah Simmons!
Dar-Emiah Simmons
Don't do drugs, Dar-Emiah Simmons
Dr. Domino


Jeremiah Simmons, We all think you're so tough
You're a BEAR-Emiah Simmons

What do you call Jeremiah Simmons?
A You'reSoAnnoyingICan'tBAR-Emiah Simmons