Leave It At That by Don't Die Cindy Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Leave It At That” by Don't Die Cindy from the album Most Imperfect Skies (2006)? More than 45 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Leave It At That”.

Leave It At That en Lyrics [Don\'t Die Cindy]
Leave It At That English Lyrics Album Most Imperfect Skies

Quote from the song “Leave It At That” by Don't Die Cindy

As I awake
I wake into the brightest of reality sun
I chased it back
The morning brings goodbye and it was already gone...


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Leave It At That lyrics [Don't Die Cindy]

Don't Die Cindy: Leave It At That Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Leave It At That” Released in 2006

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Leave It At That” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

As I awake
I wake into the brightest of reality sun
I chased it back
The morning brings goodbye and it was already gone...

Twas black and white
A feast and then the dance was something beautiful
Under the lights
The morning brings the pain of what's impossible...

I dreamt you married me
I kissed you and began our own eternity
I dreamt you married me
Yeah and then I woke up in reality
And it was just a dream
I know that forever is too much to ask
It was the best dream i've ever had
And I will leave it at that...