Flesh And Blood by Deliverance Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Flesh And Blood” by Deliverance from the album Weapons of Our Warfare (1990)? More than 151 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Flesh And Blood”.

Flesh And Blood en Lyrics [Deliverance]
Flesh And Blood English Lyrics Album Weapons of Our Warfare

Quote from the song “Flesh And Blood” by Deliverance

Slaves to the power of sin
Once in captivity to darkness; spiritually dead
A voice cried from the top of a hill
"It is finished"!
It awakened those who were once dead
But now we live
For us
Now we live a new life in freedom
Not being enslaved by the power of any
Jesus' blood has made us free
But the battle still remains
We contend not with flesh and blood
But with spiritual darkness


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Flesh And Blood lyrics [Deliverance]

Deliverance: Flesh And Blood Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Flesh And Blood” Released in 1990

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Flesh And Blood” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Slaves to the power of sin
Once in captivity to darkness; spiritually dead
A voice cried from the top of a hill
"It is finished"!
It awakened those who were once dead
But now we live
For us
Now we live a new life in freedom
Not being enslaved by the power of any
Jesus' blood has made us free
But the battle still remains
We contend not with flesh and blood
But with spiritual darkness

For this we wage war
But not against man
This war is with darkness
And not against flesh and blood

The Holy Book makes it clear as to how ought to fight
Put on the armor of God
Not by your might
Pray always with all supplication
In the spirit
To the pulling down of strongholds and crushing of Satan's plan
For this we wage war
But not against man
This war is with darkness
And not against flesh and blood

This war is not for wimps
The emaciated
Or the weak
It's for those who bear their cross and believe the power of Jesus' name
A reality
It's a fight to let you know
About a man who gave his flesh and blood to save your Hellbound soul