Lego by Deathfromoverdose Lyrics
Looking for the Polish lyrics to “Lego” by Deathfromoverdose from the album Thrax Star (2020)? More than 96 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Lego”.
Quote from the song “Lego” by Deathfromoverdose
Jestem insane
Wciąż wanna kill myself
Rozpierdolę bank
Straight fax ho'
Na tapecie chce mnie bad ho'
Widzę gas jestem jak lego
Jestem insane
Wciąż wanna kill myself
Rozpierdolę bank
Str8 fax ho'
Na tapecie chce mnie bad ho'
Widzę gas jestem jak lego
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Lego” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Lego”
- Featuring: Watchmedieslowly
- Produced: Deathfromoverdose
- Written: Deathfromoverdose, Watchmedieslowly
- Release Date: September 24, 2020
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Lego” Released in 2020
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Lego” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Refren: Watchmedieslowly]
Jestem insane
Wciąż wanna kill myself
Rozpierdolę bank
Straight fax ho'
Na tapecie chce mnie bad ho'
Widzę gas jestem jak lego
Jestem insane
Wciąż wanna kill myself
Rozpierdolę bank
Str8 fax ho'
Na tapecie chce mnie bad ho'
Widzę gas jestem jak lego
[Zwrotka: Deathfromoverdose]
Bitch i wanna be dead
Chcę racks on racks on racks on racks (Racks)
Smokin' thrax (Thrax)
Smokin', smokin' thrax
Chcę brand nu whip (Whip)
She puttin' a lip on my dick (Dick)
Bring yo' shawty she will fit here (She will fit here)
Heartbroke blood spilled (Blood spilled ya)
I'm so sad it can't be real (Can't be real ya)
[Refren: Watchmedieslowly]
Jestem insane
Wciąż wanna kill myself
Rozpierdolę bank
Straight fax ho'
Na tapecie chce mnie bad ho'
Widzę gas jestem jak lego
Jestem insane
Wciąż wanna kill myself
Rozpierdolę bank
Str8 fax ho'
Na tapecie chce mnie bad ho'
Widzę gas jestem jak lego