Diabolis Interium by Dark Funeral Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Diabolis Interium” by Dark Funeral from the album Diabolis Interium (2001)? More than 13 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Diabolis Interium”.

Diabolis Interium en Lyrics [Dark Funeral]
Diabolis Interium English Lyrics Album Diabolis Interium

Quote from the song “Diabolis Interium” by Dark Funeral

Diabolis Interium


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Diabolis Interium lyrics [Dark Funeral]

Dark Funeral: Diabolis Interium Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Diabolis Interium”

Dark Funeral - “Diabolis Interium” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Dark Funeral will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Diabolis Interium?
  • Where is Diabolis Interium music video clip?
  • Who was in the Diabolis Interium official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Diabolis Interium?
  • What is the meaning of the song Diabolis Interium?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Diabolis Interium”

  • Produced: Peter Tägtgren
  • Written: Lord Ahriman, Masse Broberg
  • Technician: Lars Szöke
  • Composer: Lord Ahriman
  • Lyricist: Masse Broberg
  • Lead guitar: Lord Ahriman
  • Vocals: Masse Broberg
  • Rhythm Guitar: Matti Mäkelä
  • Drums: Matte Modin
  • Bass: Masse Broberg
  • Mastering Engineers: Peter Tägtgren, Peter in de Betou
  • Labels: No Fashion Records, Necropolis Records
  • Recorded At: Abyss Studio (Pärlby, Sweden)
  • Release Date: September 24, 2001

Diabolis Interium lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Diabolis Interium lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Diabolis Interium”:

  • Diabolis Interium Covers: Diabolis Interium by Brymir

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Diabolis Interium” Released in 2001

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Diabolis Interium” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Diabolis Interium

[Verse 1]

Wander along path of darkness
Heart so cold, skin so pale
Driven forth by the questions
Answers written in blood
Sweet Christian blood


You can't escape my wrath
For I am one of lords
I am the keeper of your pain
I'm the holder of the spear


Like a serpent, I'm slithering
In a maze of sins and filth

[Verse 2]

Look down, you so-called God
Step down, from your heavenly throne
Let your divine tears of blood rain over us
And behold what I do to your servants
And behold what I do to your servants


I'm a demon that dwells in darkest flame
Evil from inside
I am a demon, king of the darkest realm
For I am Satan!
Diabolis Interium
Diabolis Interium!


You cannot escape my wrath
For I am one of the lords
I am the keeper of the key to the cosmic pain
I am the holder of the spear
Like a serpent, I am slithering
Through your world divine


Diabolis Interium
Diabolis Interium