Aim for the Heart by Dan Lucas (GER) Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Aim for the Heart” by Dan Lucas (GER) from the album 2000! (1994)? More than 58 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Aim for the Heart”.
Quote from the song “Aim for the Heart” by Dan Lucas (GER)
On my own, never felt so alone
The streets are the only place I can call home
Where's my dream? What's it mean to me now
What's it mean when you're down for the count
You gotta get up and keep on fightin'
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Aim for the Heart”
- Produced: Susan Hamilton
- Release Date: 1994
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Aim for the Heart” Released in 1994
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Aim for the Heart” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
On my own, never felt so alone
The streets are the only place I can call home
Where's my dream? What's it mean to me now
What's it mean when you're down for the count
You gotta get up and keep on fightin'
Aim for the heart
It's your life and you only live one time
Aim for the heart and you get what you need
It's a shot in the dark
Make it count 'cause it might just be your last chance
You only got one shot
Baby, aim for the heart
Time goes by and you ain't gettin' nowhere
Makes you wonder why you're tryin' at all
But in your soul you can still feel the fire
You can still find your way through the night
All you gotta do is keep on dreamin'
Aim for the heart
It's your life and you only live one time
Aim for the heart and you get what you need
It's a shot in the dark
Make it count 'cause it might just be your last chance
You only got one shot
Baby, aim for the heart
Baby, aim for the heart
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
When you're losin' faith
And you feel you can't go on
Look inside and you're gonna find the strength
To make you strong
Aim for the heart
It's your life and you only live one time
Aim for the heart and you get what you need
It's a shot in the dark
Make it count 'cause it might just be your last chance
You only got one shot
Baby, aim for the heart
Baby, aim for the heart
Aim for the heart
Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah
Baby, aim for the heart