Camel by Damion Suomi and the Minor Prophets Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Camel” by Damion Suomi and the Minor Prophets from the album Go, And Sell All of Your Things (2020)? More than 119 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Camel”.
Quote from the song “Camel” by Damion Suomi and the Minor Prophets
Help me get that camel through the eye
I'm a rich man and I know I'm gonna die
Blessed are the poor, why did you curse me with more
Help me get that camel though the eye
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Camel” Released in 2020
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Camel” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Help me get that camel through the eye
I'm a rich man and I know I'm gonna die
Blessed are the poor, why did you curse me with more
Help me get that camel though the eye
Help me get that camel through the eye
Before the rust eats my flesh like a fire
Well, I cut you ten percent soon I'll be Heaven sent
If you help me get that camel through the eye
Teacher, teacher, tell to me how do I save my life
I did not kill, I did not steal, and I was faithful all my life
Go, and sell all of your things
Go, and sell all of your things
That's the one thing I can't do
Help me get that camel through the eye
I'm a rich man, I know I'm gonna die
Blessed are the poor, why did you curse me with more
Help me get that camel though the eye
Oh Abraham, oh Abraham, send Lazarus to me
Touch his finger on my tongue and haunt my family
They've got Moses and the prophets
They've got Moses and the prophets
Let them listen to them
Let them listen to them
Help me get that camel through the eye
I'm a rich man and I know I'm gonna die
Blessed are the poor, why did you curse me with more
Help me get that camel though the eye
Help me get that camel through the eye
Before the rust eats my flesh like a fire
Well, I cut you ten percent soon I'll be Heaven sent
If you help me get that camel through the eye