Now we cry... by Crowlyyy Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Now we cry...” by Crowlyyy (2022)? More than 69 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Now we cry...”.
Quote from the song “Now we cry...” by Crowlyyy
I tried...
You lied
I tried
We died
Remember when we used to laugh now we cry
Now im holdin all my tears until there dry
Evil gazes watchin me at night
Things around me never seem that right
Watch me die before u take my life
Ill be dead before you are my wife
There screaming dont remind me
There stealing all my blood next
Im feeling nothing much less...
My heart stopped beating my chest
Restitution lifes illusion i been stupid yea
I been losing all my movement i can't feel it yet
Im a student always proving i can't do it yet
Always begging never choosing now i end up dead
Theres something wrong about our energy
You were my friend but now ur my enemy
The words i said were true u misunderstood
Now im alone in the back and im smoking woods
I tried...
You lied
I tried
We died
Remember when we used to laugh now we cry
Now im holdin all my tears until there dry
Evil gazes watchin me at night
Things around me never seem that right
Watch me die before u take my life
Ill be dead before you are my wife
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Now we cry...”
- Written: Crowlyyy
- Release Date: November 19, 2022
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Now we cry...” Released in 2022
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Now we cry...” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
I tried...
You lied
I tried
We died
Remember when we used to laugh now we cry
Now im holdin all my tears until there dry
Evil gazes watchin me at night
Things around me never seem that right
Watch me die before u take my life
Ill be dead before you are my wife
There screaming dont remind me
There stealing all my blood next
Im feeling nothing much less...
My heart stopped beating my chest
Restitution lifes illusion i been stupid yea
I been losing all my movement i can't feel it yet
Im a student always proving i can't do it yet
Always begging never choosing now i end up dead
Theres something wrong about our energy
You were my friend but now ur my enemy
The words i said were true u misunderstood
Now im alone in the back and im smoking woods
I tried...
You lied
I tried
We died
Remember when we used to laugh now we cry
Now im holdin all my tears until there dry
Evil gazes watchin me at night
Things around me never seem that right
Watch me die before u take my life
Ill be dead before you are my wife