That'll Do by Christian Lee Hutson Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “That'll Do” by Christian Lee Hutson from the album Yeah Okay, I Know (2014)? More than 132 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “That'll Do”.

That\'ll Do en Lyrics [Christian Lee Hutson]
That\'ll Do English Lyrics Album Yeah Okay, I Know

Quote from the song “That'll Do” by Christian Lee Hutson

I think I need someone that I can talk to
Suppose it doesn't really matter who
This old dirty windshields

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That'll Do lyrics [Christian Lee Hutson]

Christian Lee Hutson: That'll Do Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “That'll Do”

  • Produced: David Mayfield
  • Written: Christian Lee Hutson
  • Vocals: Christian Lee Hutson
  • Acoustic Guitar: Christian Lee Hutson
  • Engineer: David Mayfield
  • Mixing Engineer: David Mayfield
  • Mastering Engineer: David Mayfield
  • Release Date: January 1, 2014

That'll Do lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: That'll Do lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “That'll Do” Released in 2014

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “That'll Do” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I think I need someone that I can talk to
Suppose it doesn't really matter who
This old dirty windshields


me a handsome view
But I cost myself someone to show it to

Please send me soon a brand new tune
Or at least someone I can sing the old one to
If there's anybody who will suffer a fool
That'll do just fine, yeah, that'll do

My heart has been hollow I can't shy away from that
My ambition left to feast upon the fat
Self-diagnosed as a self-spoon fed brat
Who can't keep it under his hat

Please send me soon a brand new tune
Or at least someone I can sing the old one to
If there's anybody who will suffer a fool
That'll do just fine, yeah, that'll do

Love drunk or hates


scrape by on dumb luck, yeah ok I know
I shouldn't believe I'll ever be relieved if it's coming
It's sure coming slow

Please send me soon a brand new tune
Or at least someone I can sing the old one to
If there's anybody who will suffer a fool
That'll do just fine, yeah, that'll do