Autumn Twilight by Cathedral Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Autumn Twilight” by Cathedral from the album Forest of Equilibrium (1991)? More than 13 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Autumn Twilight”.

Autumn Twilight en Lyrics [Cathedral]
Autumn Twilight English Lyrics Album Forest of Equilibrium

Quote from the song “Autumn Twilight” by Cathedral

I got those midnight circles
And I pray deceived
Ooh how I despise you (memories)

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Autumn Twilight lyrics [Cathedral]

Cathedral: Autumn Twilight Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Autumn Twilight” Released in 1991

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Autumn Twilight” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I got those midnight circles
And I pray deceived
Ooh how I despise you (memories)

Tongue tasting moonlight
A tribute to my pain
We could last for never (another game?)

Here in autumn twilight
Morphia cursed delight

I got those midnight circles
I drawn the hanged man
Movin towards Winter (yes I am)

Eyes seek inner spaces
Guardians of spheres
A touch of dementia's (fears)

Here in autumn twilight
Morphia cursed delight

And the sun shall never rise again
No more visions to be gained
Stricken mother of failings
Led into a shallow grave
Here I am now
So far away - hey
Internal reflections
Another maze

Here I stay now
Caught between
Lives that you form
And the lives I've been