The Real One by Brygada Kryzys Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “The Real One” by Brygada Kryzys from the album Brygada Kryzys (1982)? More than 182 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “The Real One”.
Quote from the song “The Real One” by Brygada Kryzys
He comes one day
He comes again
Nobody ever knows the time
Noone knows the place
He came to our fathers
Many times before
He promissed to come again
So everybody could know
He comes one day
He comes again
Watch out!
He's comming your way
Don't let him down
He's the real one
Can you finish lyrics of the song “The Real One” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Official Music Video Song “The Real One”
Brygada Kryzys - “The Real One” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Brygada Kryzys will answer the following questions:
- What song samples The Real One?
- Where is The Real One music video clip?
- Who was in the The Real One official music video?
- Who sang the popular song The Real One?
- What is the meaning of the song The Real One?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “The Real One”
- Produced: Robert Brylewski
- Written: Tomasz Lipiński
- Release Date: 1982
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “The Real One” Released in 1982
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “The Real One” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
He comes one day
He comes again
Nobody ever knows the time
Noone knows the place
He came to our fathers
Many times before
He promissed to come again
So everybody could know
He comes one day
He comes again
Watch out!
He's comming your way
Don't let him down
He's the real one