Looking for the English lyrics to “TLSIA” by BROCKHAMPTON (2019)? More than 106 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “TLSIA”.
Quote from the song “TLSIA” by BROCKHAMPTON
I wanna minimize
I want a moment to remember time
I want a friend of mine
So crazy to me, life is still wintertime, wintertime
Wintertime when I was
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “TLSIA”
- Written: Dom McLennon, Kevin Abstract
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “TLSIA”:
- Written: Dom McLennon, Kevin Abstract
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “TLSIA” Released in 2019
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “TLSIA” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Lyrics from Snippet]
[Chorus: Kevin Abstract]
I wanna minimize
I want a moment to remember time
I want a friend of mine
So crazy to me, life is still wintertime, wintertime
Wintertime when I was
Tripping off, fucking up every coat
All of my niggas that left me broke
All of my brothers, I feel like I'm home
[Verse: Dom McLennon]
Wintertime, wintertime
Remember when you were a friend of mine?
Remember when we couldn't get in line?
Now we the reason why they in the line
Wintertime, wintertime, wintertime
Cold tray like you do the drops
And raise the skies I need new socks
Cause I'm walking out with no shoes on, yeah
Wintertime, wintertime, wintertime
Wintertime, wintertime
The sky is fallin'
The sky is fallin'