Stab Wounds by Braindown Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Stab Wounds” by Braindown from the album STAB WOUNDS//CHAINSAW (2023)? More than 36 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Stab Wounds”.

Stab Wounds en Lyrics [Braindown]
Stab Wounds English Lyrics Album STAB WOUNDS//CHAINSAW

Quote from the song “Stab Wounds” by Braindown

(Verse 1)
They want to kill
Warn the attack
In the middle of the night
Their revenge

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Stab Wounds lyrics [Braindown]

Braindown: Stab Wounds Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Stab Wounds”

  • Produced: Thomas Fournier
  • Written: Braindown
  • Release Date: June 17, 2023

Stab Wounds lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Stab Wounds lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Stab Wounds” Released in 2023

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Stab Wounds” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

(Verse 1)
They want to kill
Warn the attack
In the middle of the night
Their revenge

My life fades away

I'm a survivor
Of a savage assault
And a victim
Among many others

(Verse 2)
The streets are gruesome
Agonizing on the ground
The gaze of my assailant is
Empty, dark and cruel

My life passes fades away

Stab wounds (STAB WOUND)
I can't stop bleeding
Stab wounds (STAB WOUND)
Unimaginated violence
Stab wounds (STAB WOUND)
An act of barbarism
Stab wounds
(Verse 3)
Scream of pain
Absent of law
After the massacre
Nobody regonizes me

My life fades away

I'm a survivor
Of a savage assault
And a victim
Among many others

(Verse 4)
Immense cruelty
Life is more bitter
The art of killing each other
By multiple serial killers

My life passes fades away

Stab wounds (STAB WOUND)
I can't stop bleeding
Stab wounds (STAB WOUND)
Unimaginated violence
Stab wounds (STAB WOUND)
An act of barbarism
Stab wounds
I've been stabbed
To death