Don't Trust Prince Ea by Boyinaband Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Don't Trust Prince Ea” by Boyinaband (2016)? More than 99 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Don't Trust Prince Ea”.

Don\'t Trust Prince Ea en Lyrics [Boyinaband]
Don\'t Trust Prince Ea English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Don't Trust Prince Ea” by Boyinaband

I read a study the other day
It said "Be careful when you're listening to Prince Ea"
I'm not gonna cite it in case you criticize it
But let me try to summarize it anyway
It said if some guy makes wild, unsourced claims
And never provides citations for what he states
And tries to drum up fear over what's not a big deal
Then be as skeptical as hell of what he's saying

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Don't Trust Prince Ea lyrics [Boyinaband]

Boyinaband: Don't Trust Prince Ea Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Don't Trust Prince Ea”

Boyinaband - “Don't Trust Prince Ea” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Boyinaband will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Don't Trust Prince Ea?
  • Where is Don't Trust Prince Ea music video clip?
  • Who was in the Don't Trust Prince Ea official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Don't Trust Prince Ea?
  • What is the meaning of the song Don't Trust Prince Ea?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Don't Trust Prince Ea”

  • Produced: Boyinaband
  • Written: Boyinaband
  • Release Date: October 8, 2016

Don't Trust Prince Ea lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Don't Trust Prince Ea lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Don't Trust Prince Ea” Released in 2016

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Don't Trust Prince Ea” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


I read a study the other day
It said "Be careful when you're listening to Prince Ea"
I'm not gonna cite it in case you criticize it
But let me try to summarize it anyway
It said if some guy makes wild, unsourced claims
And never provides citations for what he states
And tries to drum up fear over what's not a big deal
Then be as skeptical as hell of what he's saying


Calling everyone's depression the same, are you insane?
Guess not, or at least one psychiatrist would've explained
It can't always just be thought out of, Jesus!
It's a chemical imbalance; please, first do some research
And saying ADD's caused by media consumption?
You're kind of hard to trust with such incorrect presumptions
A mountain of evidence is that it is genetic
And, man, it's "ADHD" – don't you listen to Kendrick?
You won't record precious moments on a phone?
I suppose you hated the moment you posed for this photo with Oprah, you hippie hypocrite
But a backtrack lickety-split, deleted it all of it quick
"We're causing society's downfall!
Technology's out to get us
Put down your phones, they're devious
Oh, and before you do, follow me on social media"
You hate media overstimulation – wait, look
How many spam articles are you posting on Facebook?
But I've got to give congratulations
For picking a videographer good enough to distract from the inaccurate crap you're saying
Fearmongering over the state of the world to seem clever
When several of the things you said are better than ever
We are way less selfish, and we're safer than historically
And what made that possible? Oh, yeah: technology
Human curiosity; man, that is humanity
What isn't is spreading misinformation that's damaging
Now, I'm not perfect, I bet I have some citations missed
But I try to be consistent, and if it isn't, then I'll fix it
I like your aim to bring attention to important issues
And if you fixed things, you'd be great; hell, that's why I thought to diss you
But if you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to one of your fans
Who left this comment trying to help you understand
Saying, "Even though I really like your thoughts and attitude
Gonna unfollow because of clickbait, ads, and lack of scientific proof"