Down Here Where I Am by Blaze Foley Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Down Here Where I Am” by Blaze Foley from the album Oval Room (2004)? More than 46 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Down Here Where I Am”.
Quote from the song “Down Here Where I Am” by Blaze Foley
The river’s overflowin’
Down here where I am
The rain keeps on pourin’
Can’t get into town
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Down Here Where I Am”
- Written: Blaze Foley
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Down Here Where I Am”:
- Written: Blaze Foley
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Down Here Where I Am” Released in 2004
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Down Here Where I Am” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
The river’s overflowin’
Down here where I am
The rain keeps on pourin’
Can’t get into town
I guess I may start walkin
’fore the mornin’ come
And I’ll be there tomorrow
With my chosen one
The miles don’t seem so many
Thinkin of your charms
And pleasures unlike any
Wrapped up in your arms
The river’s overflowin’
Down here where I am
The rain keeps on pourin’
Can’t get into town
The river’s overflowin’
Down here where I am
The rain keeps on pourin’
I can’t get into town