Prayers Of An Atheist by Beth Nielsen Chapman Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Prayers Of An Atheist” by Beth Nielsen Chapman from the album Prism (2007)? More than 81 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Prayers Of An Atheist”.

Prayers Of An Atheist en Lyrics [Beth Nielsen Chapman]
Prayers Of An Atheist English Lyrics Album Prism

Quote from the song “Prayers Of An Atheist” by Beth Nielsen Chapman

If love could say God's name
We'd hear a trillion sounds
Choirs from the balconies
And grass grow through the ground
The sound would ring so true
As every fist uncurled
One human family
All across the world
The prayers of an atheist
Sent from the emptiness
Even they find the way back home
If love could say God's name
And we would just be still
Silence would start to sing
And nature reveal God's will
The prayers of an atheist
Sent from the emptiness
Even they find the way back home
If love could say God's name
How could we not behold
One light, one peace, one grace
Shining in every soul

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Prayers Of An Atheist lyrics [Beth Nielsen Chapman]

Beth Nielsen Chapman: Prayers Of An Atheist Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Prayers Of An Atheist” Released in 2007

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Prayers Of An Atheist” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

If love could say God's name
We'd hear a trillion sounds
Choirs from the balconies
And grass grow through the ground
The sound would ring so true
As every fist uncurled
One human family
All across the world
The prayers of an atheist
Sent from the emptiness
Even they find the way back home
If love could say God's name
And we would just be still
Silence would start to sing
And nature reveal God's will
The prayers of an atheist
Sent from the emptiness
Even they find the way back home
If love could say God's name
How could we not behold
One light, one peace, one grace
Shining in every soul