This Dream by Barium Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “This Dream” by Barium from the album Education by Error (2015)? More than 94 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “This Dream”.

This Dream en Lyrics [Barium]
This Dream English Lyrics Album Education by Error

Quote from the song “This Dream” by Barium

It came and took a part of me
My whole life this will soon be
There's no turning back they said to me
No worries- this is all I want to be
This makes me move
This won't fall through
I've always seen things differently
Found four that feel the same as me
One taste and I knew instantly
That music is what moves me
And not even you can stand in my way
I will live this dream
This makes me lose control
And it makes me move
And I know it won't fall through
And it makes me move
And I will live this dream

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This Dream lyrics [Barium]

Barium: This Dream Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “This Dream” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “This Dream” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

It came and took a part of me
My whole life this will soon be
There's no turning back they said to me
No worries- this is all I want to be
This makes me move
This won't fall through
I've always seen things differently
Found four that feel the same as me
One taste and I knew instantly
That music is what moves me
And not even you can stand in my way
I will live this dream
This makes me lose control
And it makes me move
And I know it won't fall through
And it makes me move
And I will live this dream