ASAYAKE by Awesome City Club Lyrics

Looking for the Japanese lyrics to “ASAYAKE” by Awesome City Club from the album Awesome City Club BEST (2017)? More than 85 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “ASAYAKE”.

ASAYAKE ja Lyrics [Awesome City Club]
ASAYAKE Japanese Lyrics Album Awesome City Club BEST

Quote from the song “ASAYAKE” by Awesome City Club

夜明けまだか 夜明けまだか
夜明けまだか 夜明けまだか

Can you finish lyrics of the song “ASAYAKE” based on this quote?

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ASAYAKE lyrics [Awesome City Club]

Awesome City Club: ASAYAKE Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “ASAYAKE”

Awesome City Club - “ASAYAKE” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Awesome City Club will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples ASAYAKE?
  • Where is ASAYAKE music video clip?
  • Who was in the ASAYAKE official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song ASAYAKE?
  • What is the meaning of the song ASAYAKE?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “ASAYAKE”

  • Composed: モリシー (Morishi)
  • Lyrics: マツザカタクミ (Matsuza Katakumi)
  • Release Date: August 16, 2017

ASAYAKE lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: ASAYAKE lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “ASAYAKE” Released in 2017

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “ASAYAKE” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Awesome City Club「ASAYAKE」歌詞]

夜明けまだか 夜明けまだか
夜明けまだか 夜明けまだか

君 遥か 鳥 世界 密やか
闇 カルマ 祈り 狂気のファスナー
鍵 かけた 言葉 編んだ 表 裏
右 左 ゆれる ビリーバー 本能とノイズ

まだ名前のない 無数のエモーションが 行く宛を探す

歌おう 朝焼けのメロディー
闇を 超えてあなたと共に
今を 追い越し僕らは
行こう 風になる

夢抱いて 眠る 夜と革命家
街角に 沈む ビリーバー 兄弟のボイス

夜明けの歌 夜明けの歌 僕らだけの歌

まだ答えのない 無限のストーリーで 行く先を描こう

歌おう 朝焼けのメロディー
闇を 越えてアナタと共に
涙 追い越し僕らは
行こう 未来に花束を
笑おう 歌おう 遊べ