Revelation Man by ApologetiX Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Revelation Man” by ApologetiX from the album Biblical Graffiti (1999)? More than 152 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Revelation Man”.

Revelation Man en Lyrics [ApologetiX]
Revelation Man English Lyrics Album Biblical Graffiti

Quote from the song “Revelation Man” by ApologetiX

There's a man who seems just like a savior
With everyone he meets he gains their favor
Oh, with every move he makes
Another hand he shakes
Odds are he won't give you peace tomorrow

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Revelation Man lyrics [ApologetiX]

ApologetiX: Revelation Man Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Revelation Man” Released in 1999

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Revelation Man” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

There's a man who seems just like a savior
With everyone he meets he gains their favor
Oh, with every move he makes
Another hand he shakes
Odds are he won't give you peace tomorrow

Revelation Man
Revelation Man
Hey, he's givin' you a number and takin' away your faith

It's there in Revelation that you find
A pretty beast who has an evil mind
He led the world astray;
They'll give their souls away
All that he will give is grief and sorrow

Revelation Man
Revelation Man
Hey, he's givin' you a number and takin' away your faith

Bringin' all the world together one day
Then saying that he's God Almighty next day
Oh, but you fell for all his tricks
By listenin' to 666
God's not who he is you'll see tomorrow
Revelation Man
Revelation Man
Hey, he's givin' you a number and takin' away your faith

Revelation Man