Rebirth by Anung Un Rama Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Rebirth” by Anung Un Rama from the album Ad Mortem (2020)? More than 144 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Rebirth”.

Rebirth en Lyrics [Anung Un Rama]
Rebirth English Lyrics Album Ad Mortem

Quote from the song “Rebirth” by Anung Un Rama

I dream of darkness and darkness dreams of me
Fulfilling chaos and beauty of a bleeding star
The dawn burns red as I close my eyes
And lose myself between the sounds of a dying world
Witness the rebirth of a God
My mortal shroud will shed as I take on a divine form
Perfection has been found in essence and purity
I have reached immortality

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Rebirth lyrics [Anung Un Rama]

Anung Un Rama: Rebirth Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Rebirth” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Rebirth” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I dream of darkness and darkness dreams of me
Fulfilling chaos and beauty of a bleeding star
The dawn burns red as I close my eyes
And lose myself between the sounds of a dying world
Witness the rebirth of a God
My mortal shroud will shed as I take on a divine form
Perfection has been found in essence and purity
I have reached immortality

I am absolute
The beginning and the end
My will be done, as I take my place among the stars
We were there when the world was born
We are older than creation itself
Unseen and Unknown
Cosmic entities born from the void

We will found our way
This is how I return
This is my rebirth
Return a God