Voicemail by .AnonymousYP Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Voicemail” by .AnonymousYP from the album EE (Evil Eyez) (2017)? More than 25 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Voicemail”.

Voicemail en Lyrics [.AnonymousYP]
Voicemail English Lyrics Album EE (Evil Eyez)

Quote from the song “Voicemail” by .AnonymousYP

It's been forever since we talk so good to say I miss you
Evidently we've got a thousand and one things
To catch up to, it's true
Yes mad issues is what we've been through
Most sadly but true but you understand what I do
Man, I remember our brightest days
We used to visit you every Sunday
Our family reunion was often great
Hear brothers and sisters talk of older brothers and sisters
Who apparently knew you more
Wrote stories we can adore
Across generations and more I'm flawed
Needing my mind for more
For my sake or for what's in store
Could never understand why you couldn't tell me for sure
Why you yourself could never tell me that me you adore
All I have is so many letters and poems
Written by brothers I missed
Who died before I could have even exist
Who wrote of your son as an equal
The chosen one in the ditch
Who took the keys from uncle Luis' abyss
Yes I miss all our darkest days
I can't count one too many times
You never listened or stayed
You love me more for the less I do
If that's true
I can't continue my ways towards you
Cause as a child we talked daily
That fantasy faith of a mustard seed
Was something measured within me
But through the time I found stories of your return less likely
And that's the uncle Luis inside me
My older sister and mom just called me
And told me you've been tryna' reach me
Which makes me feel the slightest of envy
For what she has with you
Man I'm wondering if it's true
Or reality is faker than you too


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Voicemail lyrics [.AnonymousYP]

.AnonymousYP: Voicemail Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Voicemail”

  • Written: .AnonymousYP
  • Release Date: September 25, 2017

Voicemail lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Voicemail lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Voicemail” Released in 2017

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Voicemail” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse I]

It's been forever since we talk so good to say I miss you
Evidently we've got a thousand and one things
To catch up to, it's true
Yes mad issues is what we've been through
Most sadly but true but you understand what I do
Man, I remember our brightest days
We used to visit you every Sunday
Our family reunion was often great
Hear brothers and sisters talk of older brothers and sisters
Who apparently knew you more
Wrote stories we can adore
Across generations and more I'm flawed
Needing my mind for more
For my sake or for what's in store
Could never understand why you couldn't tell me for sure
Why you yourself could never tell me that me you adore
All I have is so many letters and poems
Written by brothers I missed
Who died before I could have even exist
Who wrote of your son as an equal
The chosen one in the ditch
Who took the keys from uncle Luis' abyss
Yes I miss all our darkest days
I can't count one too many times
You never listened or stayed
You love me more for the less I do
If that's true
I can't continue my ways towards you
Cause as a child we talked daily
That fantasy faith of a mustard seed
Was something measured within me
But through the time I found stories of your return less likely
And that's the uncle Luis inside me
My older sister and mom just called me
And told me you've been tryna' reach me
Which makes me feel the slightest of envy
For what she has with you
Man I'm wondering if it's true
Or reality is faker than you too


They say that you're in me, in mine, in yours
I wonder if I'll be, I'll see, endure
I've been through the pain, the rain and more
I wonder if you'll be
I wonder if you'll be
The father I can, see
The father I can, see
The father I can, see
I wonder if you'll be
I wonder if you'll be
The father I can

[Verse II]

To wonder why
A foolish guy I be
Foolish to see or no to be
I'm mad, cause when I call
Nobody answers me
The phone rings for days
And I'm partially fazed
Are you coming back
(testing one two, testing one two)
Dad, Are you coming back, back
(lord forgive me for I have sinned), shit
Today's the anniversary of your resurrection
My God, father and son, I stutter to mention
The destination of my message
Lately i feel like love kills and hate is where truth is revealed
I do, I do converse with myself
Myself, I still piecing together my worth
My worth to God
I really think you need to explain
Why you sent us all here in exchange
Of a promised land much better
Than milk and honey, beyond funny
I admittedly shocked and still running
If Christianity is real I chase it man
And if God answers my phone I'm racing damn
If I make it to heaven Imma' embrace it
God-willing I'm telling the world about his nation but
Till I figure out my thoughts and the root of my heart
I'm just living it the way that it start
When I made my first voicemail, mail


When I made my
Made my
Made my
When I made my first voice mail
(mail, mail, mail, mail)
When I made my
Made my
Made my


They say that he's in me, in mine, in yours
I wonder if I'll be, I'll see, endure
I've been through the rain, the pain and more
I wonder if you'll be
I wonder if you'll be
The father I can, see