Pity by Alex Ergas Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Pity” by Alex Ergas from the album Out of Sight, Never (2019)? More than 60 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Pity”.
Quote from the song “Pity” by Alex Ergas
All of it meaningless
Give it more
Far too much apathy
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Pity”
- Produced: Alex Ergas
- Written: Alex Ergas
- Release Date: March 31, 2019
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Pity” Released in 2019
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Pity” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
All of it meaningless
Give it more
Far too much apathy
How can he stand to hurt her like he doesn’t care
How do they cheer the crowd when suddenly less are there
To turn and sing the words beside you
Please don’t let them leave tonight
If no one stands to give protection
What’s the point in living life this way
I’m tired I need empathy
I’m done and I need sleep
Save yourself from me and from yourself that’s what I plead
I’ll give you everything I have
Even though it’s not enough
Don’t say you’d do the same
I don’t have the strength to call your bluff
We know what’s right
And both refuse acceptance
Don’t chase our ghost
The dead deserve the head rest
I’m tired of the pain I feel
We’re better off alone
I’m sorry for the bitter taste
I’m sorry for the songs
I’m terrified to lose someone I love though
This shouldn’t have to happen
Is it his fault
Do I blame myself enough
Or am I preaching broken words
I’m tired of feeling sick
Cause when I’m sick you’re in my songs
He told us right
Neither want to lose the other side
Now I cry, but who’s to wipe my eyes
I can’t tell my pity from my sympathy