Same Old Song by Against Me! Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Same Old Song” by Against Me! from the album Against Me! (demo) (1997)? More than 120 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Same Old Song”.

Same Old Song en Lyrics [Against Me!]
Same Old Song English Lyrics Album Against Me! (demo)

Quote from the song “Same Old Song” by Against Me!

I'm sick of hearing the same old song
The same old heartbreaking story about some poor shit whose life sucks dick thinking he's gonna change the world through another angry song. Well I don't see progress just repetition same old songs about oppression
Another band that will break up in a year because no one in it really cared
Just in it so they could say they tried to their kids when they wonder why
Why they let the world get to the point that it is
Yeah we've all tasted oppression but still we stand on division letting fashion taint our vision and thinking that our clothes alone damage the system

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Same Old Song lyrics [Against Me!]

Against Me!: Same Old Song Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Same Old Song”

  • Produced: Against Me!
  • Release Date:

Same Old Song lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Same Old Song lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Same Old Song”:

  • Produced: Against Me!

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Same Old Song” Released in 1997

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Same Old Song” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


I'm sick of hearing the same old song
The same old heartbreaking story about some poor shit whose life sucks dick thinking he's gonna change the world through another angry song. Well I don't see progress just repetition same old songs about oppression
Another band that will break up in a year because no one in it really cared
Just in it so they could say they tried to their kids when they wonder why
Why they let the world get to the point that it is
Yeah we've all tasted oppression but still we stand on division letting fashion taint our vision and thinking that our clothes alone damage the system

I'm sick of hearing the same old songs

We haven't even made a dent but the system's not going to let us forget that every time we make a stand Whitey smashes us back down again. Yeah I know we all got problems and I don't think that this song's going to solve them
Why can't you find your own inspiration instead of sponging off last year's condensation
It's unfortunate that you've got no solution to the problems of oppression, pollution, abuse, death, self-sacrifice
Sometimes reality is an ugly thing
Oh yes this world is still a mess, but you still have one more complaint to add on to this list
Just one more dead weight to help pull down this sinking ship


Same old heartbreaking story