Wait On You by Adán Cruz Lyrics

Looking for the Spanish lyrics to “Wait On You” by Adán Cruz (2021)? More than 157 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Wait On You”.

Wait On You es Lyrics [Adán Cruz]
Wait On You Spanish Lyrics

Quote from the song “Wait On You” by Adán Cruz

Téjeme unas alas, no eslabón cadena
Un mal rato, uno bueno a docena
Dime "no" ocho veces, mas un "sí" a la novena
Ahoga querer decir, decir oxigena
Si te quitara un brazo, ¿me amarías, Elena?
De tu factoría fabriqué una noche buena


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Wait On You lyrics [Adán Cruz]

Adán Cruz: Wait On You Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Wait On You”

Adán Cruz - “Wait On You” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Adán Cruz will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Wait On You?
  • Where is Wait On You music video clip?
  • Who was in the Wait On You official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Wait On You?
  • What is the meaning of the song Wait On You?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Wait On You”

  • Produced: Monarkent, Mando Fresh, Lionheart (producer)
  • Written: Adán Cruz
  • Video Director: Monry
  • Video Producer: The Bros Films, Advertising, Beto Chi
  • Video Production Assistant: Freddy Cárdenas
  • Video Production Director: César Soots
  • Video Stylist: Trenzarte
  • Video Dresser: Anuar Layon, Ricardo Seco
  • Video Gaffer: Israel Almazán Torres
  • Video Photography Director: Fabián Monroy Jr.
  • Video Art Director: Adahir Chi
  • Video Executive Producer: Yanarkis Beltrán
  • Label: Flavor Dudes
  • Distributor: ONErpm
  • Copyright ©: Adán Cruz
  • Phonographic Copyright ℗: Adán Cruz
  • Release Date: February 14, 2021

Wait On You lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Wait On You lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Wait On You” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Wait On You” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Letra de "Wait On You"]

[Verso 1]

Téjeme unas alas, no eslabón cadena
Un mal rato, uno bueno a docena
Dime "no" ocho veces, mas un "sí" a la novena
Ahoga querer decir, decir oxigena
Si te quitara un brazo, ¿me amarías, Elena?
De tu factoría fabriqué una noche buena


I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you

[Verso 2]

Sé que acabas de romper, que es difícil ya creer
En el amor otra vez, pero yo te quitaré
La monotonía de estar solita allí, nena
Anda, ven en sandalias a la arena
Sin pena, ¿qué más da?, vivir la vida plena
Si conquistarte fuera un delito, pagaría mi condena
Te quiero tener, tu corazón cocer
Tus textos leer, todita conocer
Dime si al menos una oportunidad tenemos


I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you

[Verso 3]

También tengo un moretón en mi corazón, en medio
Y si el tuyo no sanó, creo que es tiempo ya de hacerlo
Divago por mis sueños, construir un tú y yo
Será una tarea larga, por lo pronto te espero
Sales, sales, sales en mis siestas
Te ma–, te ma–, te manifiestas
Dame, dame, dame respuestas
Para ya nel, ya nel, andar ahí de inquieta
Te pienso mientras entreno, y eso me da oxígeno
Así voy que me anivelo, y pienso en mi siguiente anzuelo
En vez de decírtelo, escúchalo en tu estéreo
Escúchalo en tu estéreo, escúchalo en tu estéreo


I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you


I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you
I'll wait on you, I'll wait on you