Preachers by Steelpreacher Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Preachers” by Steelpreacher from the album Start Raising Hell (2004)? More than 88 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Preachers”.

Preachers en Lyrics [Steelpreacher]
Preachers English Lyrics Album Start Raising Hell

Quote from the song “Preachers” by Steelpreacher

Through hell and fire
Through blood and death
Gonna hunt you bastards down
Hunt you till your final breath
We´ll show you wimpy bastards how to play
Loud and with devotion – that´s the one and only way

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Preachers lyrics [Steelpreacher]

Steelpreacher: Preachers Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Preachers” Released in 2004

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Preachers” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Through hell and fire
Through blood and death
Gonna hunt you bastards down
Hunt you till your final breath
We´ll show you wimpy bastards how to play
Loud and with devotion – that´s the one and only way

Don´t dare to deny
Hail Metal or die
Watch your back
Tonight we´re coming for you for you

The Heavy Metal Law is our ideal
Bring you metal that is real

We´ll show no mercy
We show no fear
We´ll make no prisoners
We spare no beer

Through hell and fire
Through blood and death
Gonna hunt you bastards down
Hunt you till your final breath
We will hunt you whimpy bastards, make pay
We´re the steel predators and we´re coming for our prey