Brite Black Suit by Redcast Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Brite Black Suit” by Redcast from the album Talent Show Runner-Ups (2012)? More than 65 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Brite Black Suit”.

Brite Black Suit en Lyrics [Redcast]
Brite Black Suit English Lyrics Album Talent Show Runner-Ups

Quote from the song “Brite Black Suit” by Redcast

Spent half a fortune on a little bitty something to wear
And that's ironic cuz you try to make it look like you just don't care

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Brite Black Suit lyrics [Redcast]

Redcast: Brite Black Suit Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Brite Black Suit” Released in 2012

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Brite Black Suit” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Spent half a fortune on a little bitty something to wear
And that's ironic cuz you try to make it look like you just don't care


So what's the problem
Now you've got 'em
Where you want 'em
When the lights dim blue
There's a thousand
Girls and guys
And that makes twice
As many eyes on you


Come a little closer now
I wanna get close to you
Take a little chance now
What have you got to lose
Come on let your hair down now
And I'll be your excuse
Come a little closer now
Chеck out my brite black suit


It seems like good girls are just bad girls that havе never been caught
I'm in your class I make you laugh I fail at math
I think I'm clever but I'm not

