WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999 by Necro Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999” by Necro from the album I Need Drugs (2000)? More than 113 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999”.

WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999 en Lyrics [Necro]
WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999 English Lyrics Album I Need Drugs

Quote from the song “WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999” by Necro

Yo, it's Scrooge... Scrooge
Scrooge is up in here...ho ho ho!!!


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WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999 lyrics [Necro]

Necro: WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999 Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999”

  • Produced: Necro
  • Written: Necro
  • Label: Psycho+Logical-Records
  • Release Date:

WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999 lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999 lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999”:

  • Produced: Necro
  • rn
  • Written: Necro
  • rn
  • Label: Psycho+Logical-Records

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999” Released in 2000

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “WNYU 89.1 X-Mas Freestyle 12/23/1999” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Yo, it's Scrooge... Scrooge
Scrooge is up in here...ho ho ho!!!


I wish you a merry crucifixion, I wish you would get a new religion
I wish you a merry crucifixion, and a crappy new year


Jesus ain't nuttin but a corpse to me, who is he
Come over G and a pair of scrotums hangin off the tree
Choke the Messiah, chop off your member
And then I'll roast your nuts over an open fire
Your jiggolo's big piccolo stick'll grow
When I'm swappin spit with a ho under the missile toe
Yo, I'll get under this chicks clothes
You'll be one dead slob after your neck's clogged with egg nog, choke
The night before Christmas, you're feelin the essence
Break in your crib, I got a posse of midgets stealin your presents
Right through the chimney, you think we're rotten
We're takin everything you got, kid down to every stinking stocking
Robbin' you in a Santa suit, strippin you like a dancer's boot
Santa Clause is dead, you'll die from cancer, duke
I'm Dreamin of a White Christmas, I sniff this 8-ball of coke
Then knock on your door like Jehovah Witness, holdin a biscuit
Leave you a bleeding sinner
I'm hunting reindeer, Rudolf will get eaten for dinner
He got a red nose gushing from all the bullet holes
I got a deer cooking, don't stuff yourself full of rolls
While the world's infested with diseases
Let's be happy, kick back and celebrate the death of Jesus
The miracle on 34th street, is now on 42nd street
Where Mrs. Clause is sucking raw meat
To the record's beat, so suck my candy cane 'till I need a vasectomy
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
Cause you're all dead
There's air in the room but none of you are breathing it out


Merry crucifixion, I wish you would get a new religion
I wish you a merry crucifixion, and a crappy new year
I said violent night, unholy night


On the first day of Christmas, I do my savory
Your cartilage is teared, G

I'm Scrooge, you all die!!!
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho HO HOEESSS!!!